General Election 2020 Part 2

Yes they do. But there are not enough “left” tds to make a majority.

There are enough non FF and FG TDs to do so.

It happened in 1948 with greater differences in the non FF side. They have failed to form and alternative government. The fact that you mention left wing TDs is telling, they don’t want compromise or responsibility.

Ticks a number of PC boxes

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You said the left don’t want to form a government. I said they did but the numbers weren’t there. Don’t talk to me about compromise. FFG wouldn’t even countenance discussion with Sinn Fein. Never mind compromise

Are SF a left party . My hunch is they are not

Compared to FFG they are. We will only find out if they ever get into government.

Yes the left do not want to form one. They gave up quick smart.

Go form a government, the numbers are there with non FG and FF people, and there may even be abstentions.

They don’t want to form one, as they have all ran down the road of non compromise since 2011 and have seen what happened to the Green Party and Labour Party when doing it.

Around in circles we go.

A coalition made up of Sf/Greens/Labour/ Soc Dems and a smattering of hugely diverse Independents would be unworkable. King Solomon would struggle to keep it together. Getting all the above to even agree to a programme for government would not be possible.

What the actual fuck do you want then? A change to the constitution which means SF can govern because they are the biggest party votes wise?

Sinn Fein are open to a coalition with FF/FG as long as they allow Sinn Fein to implement all their policies with no compromise


It’s a very bizarre narrative @Tim_Riggins is pushing.

He needs to learn the difference between wanting to and being able to.


Maybe so mike, but even a disengaged bruton is worth a thousand madigan or murphys


"Your worst day in power is still better than your best day in opposition "


BS excuse.

The “right wing” parties have gone in with an assortment of left wing parties and individuals over the years and sustained it.

The 1948 Inter Party Government had 5 political parties and 8 independents. Labour and National Labour hated one another. Sean MacBride and many in Fine Gael hated one another. Some were socialists, some were conservatives. Some were ardent Republicans, some wanted to remain close to the British Empire. Some cared only for farming, some cared only about their local patch.

That government was formed on the back of people being “sick” of 16 years of FF rule.

We are told that people were sick of 90 years of FG/FF rule and that they were rejected by the people and lost. Well get on with it and form a government.

SF gave up pretty much immediately and only came back in when RBB threatened them publically as he wanted his chance to publically flounce himself. The excuses are pathetic.


The left wing parties you mentioned aren’t left wing.

Easy with the aggressive tone. I simply pointed out the nonsense criticism of SF not “wanting” to form a government. They are simply unable to. If other parties come up with a workable coalition then that is what should happen. But FFG should not be sneering at SF for not forming a government when they themselves refused to even sit down with SF.

Maybe SF need to upsell to the Centre & Left better?

Why should they sit down with SF when they said they wouldn’t to their voters?

They should absolutely sneer. SF claimed victory, they claimed the people rejected 90 years of FG and FF rule. The seats are there, SF won’t lead and put them together.

SF can still go off and form one, it might mean some people taking responsibility though.

So Sean MacBride and FG were able to form a government even though they had been on opposite sides of a bloody Civil War only 25 years beforehand? Yet now FFG won’t even talk to Sinn Fein. This harking back to history can work both ways.

Because they don’t need to talk to SF to form a government