General Election 2020 Part 2

Free Gaffs

My information is that she is a very capable Minister


Paschal will remain in charge of the economy

And yet people voted how they voted. Fair play to Leo, seems like he’s willing to put his differences aside and keep a close watch on FF, for the best interests of the nation. Great leadership.

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So there’s a split in the party? And someone is giving out about Ryan talking to the media by providing extensive quotes to the media to attack him? And doesn’t have the balls to put their own name to it?

They should be called The Yellows


He should have gone in with SF. Shame on FF.

That’s an ooffttt! for the tfk misogyny crew


I actually disagree, FG should not be going into Coalition with FF or SF.
They should either sit on the opposition benches or let the Country decide again.

SF & FF were given a mandate to form a coalition.

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The provies are seething.

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Well look at this, FF & FG have written the book on cover ups & cronyism ffs sakes.


Agreed. With IRA/SF and Fianna FĂĄil in particular not grown up enough to form a government though, Fine Gael have been left with little option but to help form a government in the national interest.


Anyone comparing what happened Robert McCartney orPul Quinn to normal western politics is a simpleton.

McCabe & Gardai generally acting the cunts.

Church institutions or schools.

Developments & developers.

Galway Tent.

Should I go on?


You’re comparing the Galway Tent to a bar full of pissed up Shinners witnessing a murder and the entire bar claiming to be in the toilet? Including the current housing minister in the North?

You’re comparing the Galway Tent to the murder of Paul Quinn and the finance minister of the North having knowledge of the murder and not sharing with the police?

I’ll put you in the simpleton category.

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I see you are being selective there to suit your selective argument.


Right, will remember the next time you’re screeching about any Covid deaths that you put murder on the same level as drinking in a tent.

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Ok, mate.

State institutions where child abuse took place. Government overlooked many cases of absolute cuntish behaviour as you well know.

Preaching & sneering at SF from the top of a Dung heap is about your level.