General Election 2020 Part 2

And we’re still at it in our own place.
Still trying to reach the future through the past.
Still trying to carve tomorrow on a tombstone
But hey don’t listen to me
Cos this ain’t meant to be no sad song

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You put all of those things into the same bucket and compared them, that’s on you. You have now decided to pick the “worst one” as you know what an eejit you look like.

Institutions are from another generation now and are the fault of Irish society as a hole, with the more recent Governments apologising for them. I think Maria Cahill in her 30s is still waiting for her apology from MLMD and the SF leadership.

If you want me to broaden our my criticisms of SF to other things, I can add their poor governance during the Cash for Ash Scandal, the Northern Bank robbery, Stormontgate, Bullying…I could go on, but murder and their cover ups is one of the many reasons that makes them unsuitable for government. But the Galway Tent is as bad as murder according to you, good man.

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You’ve flown out on a tangent here Tim and it’s a bit ridiculous. Your point was about SF doing cover ups since the peace process. Can you honestly think of no cover ups at all from FF or FG in that time?



You are seething… rattled etc.

Murder cover ups. As is quite clear from the thread.

Let’s be big boys and admit that all western political parties with a governing track record have issues.

Looks like Labour are cosying up to the Shinners.

So… SF are different because???

Go ask that “waster” Briege Quinn.

Case closed, bye now.

I hope you learned your lesson.

Did you ask her?


Like the Dublin Monaghan bombings, Tim?


Another murder Fine Gael are currently involved in covering up.


Tim is only interested in IRA murders and coverups


FG looking to sweep Child Abuse under the carpet only 2 months ago. Would this be counted as a cover up? FFG have historically turned a blind eye to state sponsored child abuse so we should hardly be surprised.


Oooops, another FG coverup here.


Actually we are told by SF IRA to forget the past and deal on the terms since the Peace Process.

That’s what I’m dealing with. I’ve picked just two SF IRA murder atrocities and subsequent cover ups since then.

You tell your virtuous self whatever you want to justify them. There are plenty of decent left wing parties for decent people to vote for, not you obviously.

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The IRA/SF cheerleaders are seething here. In complete meltdown.



Why don’t you address the issues, Tim.

You’re not dealing with your expressed outrage here.

We’ve picked a random selection of FFG muder/child abuse cover ups. Care to address any of them or are you going pretend they didn’t happen like FFG do?