General Election 2020 Part 2


The Nordies like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy have always been the same in fairness. It’s always odd on how much they want to convince everyone else or how Irish they are.

It’s the fluffers like Blinky and Harry that are the worst. Comparing the Galway Tent to the below, their moral compasses drop when it suits

Sinn FĂ©in activists all crowded into a bar but didn’t see anything

The IRA originally offered to shoot the perpetrators, somehow knowing who they were

“In the toilet” or on their phones. They didn’t see anything, but the IRA somehow knew who they were.

“Later that year”, it emerged that Deirdre Hargey was in the bar and she was dropped as a candidate

Deirdre was good pals with Jock Davison;

Of course outside of the desperate PR attempts by SF, the locals weren’t happy she was pulled as a candidate;

Of course could you blame the 70 plus SFers for not talking?

The SF IRA intimidation just went on and on after the PR bubble died down, shutting down cancer screening

Deirde Hargey is in her late 30s and one of the bright young faces of SF, a clear detachment of the past. She is housing minister in the North, which has a worse homelessness crisis than the South. Eoghan Murphy is the devil though.

Do you want to recall the Dublin Monaghan bombings Tim?

And just how is maria Cahill these days?

I’d hope the blue shirts didnt just use her for political expediency and then dump her when she served her purpose

Did you read my post Fulvio?

If we are to take SF’s line on atrocious pre the Peace Process, let’s extend that same standard elsewhere.

I am referencing post PP SF IRA atrocities.

For an Italian chap up in Aughnacloy in the United Kingdom, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy gets very hot and bothered about the political scene in Eire. An Eire state which he claims he doesn’t recognise.

I read your earlier post regarding murder coverups.

What about the role FG have played in ensuring that victims of British state terrorism on this island will never get any justice. You have expressed outrage on this but it seems as if your outrage is two faced.

I believe she is a Labour Party member, no? It certainly seems as though the TFK Labourites have ditched her though.

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a) That is factually incorrect, FG have actually being found to have fiddled the numbers of homelessness in the 26
b) Ultimate power lies in Westminister with regard to the O6
c) Are you Eoghan Murphy’s “Matt”?

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He has said on here recently that he doesn’t recognose the North as a State and neither does he accept the Irish State.

They are “failed” apparently. Yet he chose to come down and work here. You’d think he’d at least return to his homeland in Italy.

The blueshirt fascism still lives on.

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Shes labour but ends made such a big show of hugging her on the steps of the dail I thought you’d all be very keen to keep in touch

Especially after other abuse victims were locked out of meeting enda

That’s not factually incorrect. It’s an absolute fact. EOB even tweeted it out:

NI has more homeless people per head of population than the south.

Interesting the way you feel the need to defend the figure in one hand but then go to the Westminster excuse on the other.

Housing is devolved to NI. They can set their budget how they see fit. Housing obviously wasn’t a priority. It reminds me a bit of how SF were for water meters up north but not down south.

In terms of the overall complaint that SF are subject to financial restrictions of Westminster, so cant raise the revenue they need to fund their fantasy projects, it’s funny that the same leeway was not afforded to the coalition government from 2011. They were subject to serious outside constraints on funding negotiated by a previous government, yet the likes of the Labour Party were attacked relentlessly for it. More double standards.

If your excuse is that SF were out of the Assembly and Government for years, well that’s not a particularly good look either. Dodging government and responsibility whilst a homelessness crisis gets worse and worse up north is the behaviour of those not fit for government.

LOL. Classic Shinner debating.

You don’t agree with abuse victims getting a hearing from the Taoiseach?

During your Gemma O’Doherty fandom years on here you’d be banging the drum for the establishment “not listening” to abuse victims.


Yes, balance and context.

Whereas FGbot debating is slurs and projections.


You know how much they’re grasping when this is brought up.

I’m not sure did anything come of this report? Still ongoing.

Even if wrong, there’s a real difference between professional incompetence and active cover ups of murder by a political party whose membership were all witnesses.

Give me a western country and political party and I’ll quickly be able to point to professional incompetence or corruption, that’s the reality. You won’t find many parties like SF though, a party that you admit don’t recognise the State, have people in high positions who cover up murders of others in the movement and whose internal governance is decided by a few lads above a pub. It’s more like the CCP than anything. In fairness you admit that and revel in it, unlike the other fluffers out there.

Not odd at all. The issue I have is with selective hearing of abuse victims. The same week as enda met Maria, a Magdalene survivor was blanked by Kenny.

Then you have the sealing of records for another 75 years together with the wholesale abuse of children in FFGLABs watch.

So enda a teacher and a TD for over 40 years never heard a word about abuse. Amazing. Especially when a chat between 2 Garda and Mick Wallace can make it all the way to MOJ

enda had some fine words on abuse. His actions and those of his contemporaries show nothing but contempt to abuse survivors.


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