General Election 2020 Part 2


Iā€™m not grasping. I posted an article earlier where the currrent FG minister for Justice is currently covering up a murder, his two FG predecessors had to resign in scandals.

Fuck the Galway tent Tim. Its murder and child abuse cover ups from FFG that we would like your view on The cover up of the Dublin Monaghan Bombing, the attempted sealing of the Ryan Report on Child Abuse, Michael Noonan and the foster home, Charlie Flanagan covering for the murderers of Aidan McAnespie are just a few examples.

Except there are the facts

February 2013 he meets the survivors and they ask for apology

Apology given

The State then made mistakes with the redress scheme, which they acknowledged

Made mistakes.

Oh they acknowledged them, well thatā€™s dandy then.

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Once again, can you please stick to post peace process? Why is that so difficult for you? Thatā€™s the standard SF demand and so should you being a shill for them.

More has been done on redress for historic abuse in the last 10 years than before. Again, we are supposed to be absolving SF for sins of their fathers, why not the same standard?

Iā€™ve already addressed Grace.

Give me a western political party and Iā€™ll give you example of incompetence and corruption.

As I said before, for decent people, there are decent left wing political parties. SF are not one of them. You regularly rail against FG for ā€œnot caringā€ etc. Yet you will never call out something like a Deirdre Hargey or Conor Murphy. You leave your morals at the door on that one, itā€™s some sort of bizarre modern day religious fanaticism to replace the Church, absolute adherence is required.

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Post peace process.

2018, Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan engages in a coverup of the murder of Aidan McAnespie.

Can you please address this?

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And murder coverups.

The Dublin Monaghan bombings being a prime example, Bloody Sunday, the Ballymurphy Massacre etc, etc, all covered up by the British government, aided and abetted by their free state counterparts.

The Stardust fire, another coverup.

A full State apology.

A redress scheme put into place.

Were mistakes made in administration? Absolutely, as is par for the course when Civil Servants and the State does things.

In terms of whataboutery, once again if we are engaging in that, ask reach for Tin Tin @binkybarnes

I made specific points on SF murders and cover ups since the Peace Process. Thatā€™s been met with a lot of moral equivalences, including a bizarre reference to the Galway tent. I understand why @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is a shill, but others here are more bizarre. Why go around defending SF just because they have some lefty positions, why not support the Soc Dems and condemn SF? The kowtowing to SF from the non SF lefties in recent years has been something else. I guess they all saw what happened to the Labour Party for repeatedly standing up to them. Bravery doesnā€™t win many prizes.

Yes, you made specific points about SF.

You have not addressed the numerous murder coverups the British Government and the Free State government have and continue to engage in.

I have addressed them. Please read.

If you want to talk about Dublin-Monaghan, then we can talk about the Disappeared and countless other pre Peace Process unsolved SF IRA atrocities.

But I am engaging on the basis that SF and their more recent apologists want to. Forget the sins of the fathers, letā€™s talk about the here and now.

Thatā€™s why I asked about why Deirdre Hargey and her acceptability as a bright young thing of SF when we know what we do about her. Thatā€™s a past we wouldnā€™t accept from any other major politician.

Yes and we can go on about SeƔn Russell et al all we want if needed.

So what if people covered up a murder? the real scandal is business people talking to government officials in a social setting. Unprecedented in world politics


Far more serious than the 2 murderers of a garda making it all the way to the stage in a SF ard fheis to a round of applause

It comes from years of SF conditioning the media and lads losing perspective completely.

No letā€™s talk about the Dublin Monaghan bombings.

We know about the disappeared, the Provos were engaged in a campaign against the British state, it was a war and we know how things go in wars.

The Dublin Monaghan bombings were an attack that had the fingerprints of British intelligence all over it, it was the largest terrorist attack on the free state since its inception and successive Irish governments had steadfastly sought not to pursue this to effect. Innnocent citizens who were out doing their daily business were murdered with intent and successive Irish government have shown absolutely zero appetite to bring the people involved to justice.

Itā€™s absolutely incredible. Itā€™s by far the greatest scandal to ever hit the state. A mass murder coverup of its citizens which implicates successive governments and the media.

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FFG have been involved in mass murder coverups over the course of a century.

Jaysus who opened this can of worms?


SF representative greeting said post office robbers and Garda killers just over a decade ago as if they were political prisoners.

Did you see that Leo Varadkar greeted Kylie Mingoue when she came to Ireland though? What a disgrace


Sure didnā€™t the FG Minister for Justice try and hold a commemoration this year for British State terrorists?