General Election 2020 Part 2

Are you taking the piss? Honestly? So you honestly think an apology was ok??? And then the fact that they ‘accidentally’ fucked up the redress scheme??? Its the FG way. Apologise, but make sure we fuck them in the small print. Cc anybody who has ever followed the hepatitis/cervical smear/care home/ mother and baby home/ foster home abuse scandals.

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Labour were in Govt then. Are you saying they accidentally on purpose are responsible too?

You are suggesting a deliberate action on all of their parts rather than incompetence.

I don’t shield any Irish political party who have governed from accusations of incompetence or even corruption. I don’t do so because to do so would be irrational and ignorant of the world at large.

SF are a different beast though entirely. Imagine a Labour senior member sat in a pub with other members of the Labour Party and witnessed a murder, and then were complicit in a cover up? Imagine a FGer? Imagine a FFer? I don’t think so. The fact that non SFers continue to give them cover for this stuff is sickening. People cannot see the woods from the trees with SF because of 2 decades of conditioning by them, some of us won’t forget though.


Labour were in government for which? I’ve about 5 examples above. The most recent being the smear test scandal when FG made a massive statement about how terrible it was and about how well all the affected ladies would be treated. But the affected ladies came out to state how Fg had tried their utmost to stymie the redress scheme.

Again. Your response is absurb whataboutery. Whatabout Labour?? Doesn’t matter how Noonan fucked over hepatitis women, or how he facilitated child abuse, or how Varadkar and Harris fucked over women in the smear test scandal.
I’ll expect some scheme to recompensate nursing home owners who availed of a tax break to build and run substandard nursing homes now that many of their clients have unfortunately died of covid. It’s the FG way sure.

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You’re going scatter gun here.

The Coalition government apologised for those cases and set up the scheme. It was substandard. That includes Labour. You claim that is being sinister rather than incompetent. That includes Labour so.

We can clearly see now that the remainder of the Labour Party are bending the knee for SF. Fair play @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

The best thing fine Gael have done is the separation of the state and church. The church were the cause of most of those scandals. Kenny’s performance with redress was contemptible. Varadker has done a good job separating from the church.

The recent health care scandals and cover ups are unforgivable.

If fine Gael and fine fail go into a coalition it will fuck irish politics for an entire generation or more

FF and FG have been in power since 1922, what makes you think a FG/FF government will fuck up Irish politics for a generation? What’s the alternative exactly?

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You’d swear Ireland was a failed state going by the narrative at this stage as opposed to one of the countries in the world with the highest standard of life as measured across multiple metrics.

We can always strive to do better but people do seem to love talking us down


The Micks want change though.

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You shield FG and the British Governement from the staggering amount of murder coverups they have been engaged in and continue to be engaged in over the past 50 years.

Now’s the time for stability lads. Hold firm.

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History as the two violent civil war parties have presided over a rotten state for the course of nearly a century.

One third of Ireland voted for change

By that logic 2/3rds voted for the stasus quo. That’s democracy for ya.

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A state that your Provies don’t even recognise.

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giphy (56)

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It’s rotten, two failed statelets on one island.

Hold the line lads, hold the line. Stability over fear.

That’s actually the point I was making

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Sinn FĂŠin?

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