General Election 2020 Part 2

He himself said he was wrong.

Fair play to him. That alone is very rare. He’s lucky it’s so complicated no one understands his fuck up.

That the net present value of an 8k a year lease for 100 years is 792 million? Yes pal. Hes wrong

Just 14% of people want Martin as Taoiseach in a FFG government according to a poll in the papers today. :eek:

He is so toxic to voters, people see him now for the slimy, self-serving weasel of a man he is. The one caveat of him becoming Taoiseach would be that it will finish of FF.


Also a jump for fg Leo’s spin team are doing a great job during lockdown. People need to find that cunt out too

FF are actually slitting their own Political throats by even entertaining the idea of going into Coalition with FG.

Personally I thought it would hurt FG more but it’s FF who are getting it in the Poles and by being silent basically.
They are royally fucked now after a reasonable election considering the bump SF got.

FG after the roasting they got have now bounced.

SF supporters may not like this idea but it is actually time to move Mary Lou on and let Pearse steer that ship.

I think Alan Kelly will move Labour in the right direction now too, he has performed very well in the current crisis.


Seriously? That would be like the time Derry sacked Eamon Coleman

Yes. After the dreadful election result MLMD should be sacked


I know it’s an unpopular stance but the people are shouting it aloud.

Your boss Eamon Ryan under severe pressure too I’m hearing.

Mary Lou ain’t half the politician Pearse is but she is extremely popular with the youth vote and brings in a huge feminist factor.

Snide dig about MLMD’s weight


FF are getting completely squeezed as the narrative shifts to FG vs SF. Smaller parties could struggle too.

It’s kinda win win for SF at the moment - either FF/FG go into gov and they hammer them for years or another election could get them a couple more seats (mostly at the expense of the smaller parties). In some ways the worst case now is if FF have a volte-face and look to SF for coalition. Unlikely though.

It’s not too bad for FG either. Gov or GE.

Not sure where FF go though. They are utterly split as a party and it’s unclear why anyone would vote for them over FG, SF or a smaller party. Tradition/Inertia I suppose

The cunning of FF past has been replaced by absolute numpties.

The only way for FF to currently survive was to go into Coalition with SF and kill the infection from inside so to speak.

Joining FG is their death sentence but they are oblivious to it.

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It’s Martin on an ego trip. Of all the free state politicians, he is the most weasely and that takes some going. A repulsive little Monty Burns lookalike.

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All playing out nicely for SF

Economic downturn on the way, very unpopular decisions will have to be made
SF can say every decision is a disgrace, with the safety net if not having to make any themselves

Next election, Paddy will be fed up as recession bites, Doherty (who does seem very capable) and O’Broin will say they can fix everything and it wouldn’t cost the ordinary Paddy a cent

SF sweep to power
Eoghan Harris spontaneously combusts


Then what happens. Do they ever really want power. Emperor has no clothes on the horizon.

FF finally reaping what was coming. God if labour were any use they should be cleaning up. SF are untainted by never having been in government, that won’t last forever.

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Interesting reading here

Look at that social class divide FG/SF

Dublin is a FG/SF carve up - FF at nothing

SF most popular with 35-54, FG clawed back with youth vote

FF old lads (in Munster?) the only thing keeping them afloat

Labour not loved by women

Green vote is ABC1 - big danger for them if they don’t go into gov

An opinion poll in the midst of a pandemic . Nothing really to see if truth told . Politics will be largely irrelevant for 1 year at least , Irish politics particularly so.

In some ways yes.

In other ways, it may influence events by spooking the FF faithful and/or the spectre of a second GE this year is not unrealistic