General Election 2020 Part 2

Yes, three definites of another election imo.

  • FG increase seats
  • SF increase seats
  • Hung Dail again

Absolutely. They didn’t run enough candidates. They could get a lower share of the votes and still comfortably get more seats.


Right. I would have thought that February was freakish and with all the change since it would count against them. But I could be wrong.

There are probably 2 or 3 seats which they won which weren’t expected which they might be in danger but their big guns had at least half a dozen constituencies where they had huge surpluses which they will hold and bring in a running mate.

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A lot of the green and alphabet soup seats were garnered from sf surpluses also. Something to consider

Ah yeah - he could have found something a bit more subtle and measured to get his message out. Not a very smart decision.

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I think they will continue growing until they go into government. Things might get a bit complicated for them after that. I

Sinn Fein will grow but will be taking seats off other left leaning candidates mainly so they’ll still have the same issues getting into government

SF can form a government on current Dail maths . They made little or no effort . They screamed for “change “ but aren’t willing to bring it about

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Sinn Fein will grow because more people are looking for change.

FG will grow because more people are also looking to keep SF out.

Ah it would be very hard at the moment. They’d need the greens, labour, soc demos plus a few independents all to row in behind them.

Break down the numbers

SF 37
Greens 12

Labour 6
SD 6
Left 5
Aontu 1

13 Indos

Job is OXO

This scutter talk again.:roll_eyes:

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Ah you’re not still beating that auld drum. The dogs on the street know that it is not possible to form a government without 2 of either FF, FG or SF being involved. If it was the case do you think FF would be talking with FG. Anyone with a bit of cop on would see that.

Any government made up of 1 of the big 3 parties and the rest wouldn’t last a wet week. Imagine trying to get anything done with Boyd-Barret, Brid Smith and Paul Murphy.

At least 5 of those indos wouldn’t touch them. Sean Canney, Lowry and Verona for starters are on record.

They have done nothing is my point . All they have done is whinged the they are being excluded by “FFG” but at the same time whinge that “FFG” will be in power but the public voted for “change .

There is need for another election is my real take on this mess where realistic manifestos will be needed to reflect the changing economic landscape . The current situation is frankly a farce .


That is 3 of 20

Lowry would deal with the Devil if it kept his name in the media in a positive light.


I believe there will be another GE before Christmas but I would like to see what they put forward as a program of government. It will show more of ffg hand than any manifesto. Cant see ff or green base go for anything to all work together .