General Election 2020 Part 2

I reckon transport will be fine but FG not budging on other key issues, and even some peripheral ones. It’s setup for failure. I hope the Greens don’t put it to the membership if they get a crap deal.

We’re beginning to see some info leaking about FG not playing ball and I think that’s important. FG will claim they’ve done everything possible to try and get a deal but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all.

Anyone with a ‘realistic manifesto’ wouldn’t get many votes.

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The sophisticated Irish electorate :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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@croppy_boy Genuine question: now that you’ve seen some of Verona’s contributions in the Dáil L, do you still maintain she just had a security concern on immigration in the haulage industry or do you accept she’s using a very obvious anti immigration platform.


  1. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status and proposals to address the lack of primary school places in the greater Rosslare area in view of the announcement of a direct provision centre to open in March 2020 (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter.


731.* To ask the Minister for Health the measures he plans to take to address the lack of access to general practitioner services in rural locations and in particular the greater Rosslare area in view of the announcement of a direct provision centre to open in March 2020; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

There is a clear attempt to link under funding of services with immigration and to associate health funding problems with immigration.

At least we know for sure she didn’t have a slip of the tongue in her campaign. She is what she seemed to be.


On the other hand - is it reasonable to expect the Greens to get every demand they make?

A 3 way deal will always involve wins and concessions for all parties.

Obviously not. But there are some things they’re not budging an inch on which just seem obstructionist.

Because they disagree with the policy or just to be awkward.

Interesting IT politics podcast over the weekend saying Greens would come in with a headline demand (say 7% GHG reduction) and FG would ask what the detailed plans to achieve it and there often would be tumbleweed in response.

What is clear is that FF have few policy redlines - they’re mad to get into gov and presume it can be all sorted then. Same as it ever was.

A bit of both probably. But basically not compromising at all or entertaining the notion that they need to compromise. We’re not talking about red line issues here though.

I’m not saying they shouldnt do it. I’m just saying they’re being particularly difficult on some peripheral issues - far moreso than FF

I’ve no doubt they’ve made lots of compromises - whether they are sufficient for the Greens though …

The attitude of the Greens from the start seemed to be as if they were doing FF and FG a favour and expected to be given their full shopping list.

Anyhow, as the podcast said it ultimately is a political question for the Greens. Will they achieve more politically with this programme for gov or do they think they can do better with a FF/SF/Green gov or with a General Election

Looking to get a few more on board?

Interpret it whatever way you want Rocko.

I’d take it that this is a criticism of the lack of preparation for the direct provision centre. You seem to be insinuating that she is against it as she’s asking about the lack of services, the very thing she was critical of during the by election.

She can simply ask about funding for services without the completely unnecessary scaremongering links to the direct provision centre.

It’s abundantly clear what she’s getting at here. She doesn’t want preparations for a direct provision centre. She wants to appeal to the lowest common anti immigrant denominator. Her rhetoric has beenb consistent alright. It’s disgusting.


The whole point is that there’s insufficient services to cater for the increased strain on local services brought on by the direct provision centre.

It would be kind of weird, and incredibly stupid, not to mention the direct provision centre.

It’s up to the Ministers to reply now so it’ll be interesting to see what he has to say.

Is everyone just stalling until they feel it’s safe to have an election? How many days in are we now and what’s the record? No one gives a fuck either which is the funny part

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It’s amazing the lengths people will go to, to avoid seeing the screamingly obvious.

You said a few months ago that she had been quoted out of context and you knew her and she wasn’t the racist, anti-immigrant type.

It’s now perfectly obvious that she is.

Education isn’t underfunded because of our meagre spend on direct provision.
Health isn’t underfunded because of our pathetic health spend on those seeking asylum.

Drawing a link between those topics, as she likes to do consistently, is completely unnecessary. But it’s getting harder for the likes of you to pretend you don’t think she’s anti immigrant while supporting her.


There’s not adequate schools and doctors services in the area.

She’s leaning on the Ministers to up their game and out them in place.

Simple as that.


Look, I have my answer. You’re continuing to pretend that she’s not anti immigrant. She’s just extremely interested in the topic apparently. For shame.

I didn’t realise you had such a difficulty comprehending basic things.

This explains quite a bit.

Imagine a TD explaining why extra resources might be needed.