General Election 2020 Part 2

I don’t believe this. I’ve heard both Eamon Ryan and Woderick o Gorman give complete and detailed answers to this in the media. This smacks of FFG not getting their way and using their media shills to apply public pressure by making them sound feckless. Ff’s 'expert’s on climate change is Jack fucking Chambers for gods sake. Painting the Greens as mad because you don’t like their answers is what you are doing.

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Funny how it’s the right wing anti immigrant cranks who all support Verona on this. And our apologist @Croppy_boy taking the support wherever he can get it God help him.

@Rocko playing the ‘look over there, it’s a racist’ card to distract from the appalling nature of the green party negotiating team.
For shame.

Ah is that the only response you have you absolute gobshite. You really fancy yourself as a debater but go childish the second you are asked to back up your virtue signalling opinions.

Haha. :grinning: As nuanced and high brow as we’ve come to expect from you.

A smiley face, you’re bringing out the big guns. So so woke,and unable to back any position instead saying ‘debate with yourself’ ‘for shame’ and calling me an ‘an anti immigrant crank’ you absolute fool. Go back to being an IRA freedom fighter with a stapler trying to debate politics doesn’t suit you.

I don’t agree. I think it’s because the current administration is doing so well.


Am I missing something or are these people going into Direct Provision all entering the Country extremely ill?

Wtf kind of strain can be put on doctors?

I think the MI5 told Verona that immigrants need regular check ups at that secret meeting she attended where she learned all about immigration issues.


You’d swear Rosslare was out in the middle of nowhere, Wexford town is a 10 minute drive away.

When Verona is talking immigrants in Rosslare she’s talking about Dubs.

There’s lots of easier ways to paint the Greens as mad than using obscure podcast references. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The podcast is worth a listen though - it seems that the only real policy engagement is between FG and the Greens. I suspect some of the vagueness on detail is as much because detail requires hard decisions to be made - particularly around agriculture and the 7% reduction.

I think it’s completely reasonable for both parties to negotiate hard on policy - it’s vaguely refreshing in the Irish political context.

Was it Jack Chambers and Catherine Martin that had a right go at each other during the election?

Chambers made a tit out of himself on Claire Byrne. Again, I think the Greens are on top of the 7% methods. It’s just that the others don’t like them. Agriculture is the big one. If you believe in climate change then you know we need to reduce ghg’s and the national herd. It’s only awkward because fg pumped the national herd recently.
If you don’t believe in climate change then you’re a bit of an idiot I suppose.


Well if their proposed path to 7% reduction involves significant impact upon agriculture they’ve been fairly reticent about spelling it out. There’s been lots of talk about this being an “opportunity” for farmers.

Anyway, we’ll see a prog for gov shortly enough and the chips will land where they land.

They mention it alright but they’re not singing it from the treetops because it’s very much a vote looser with roorals. Pig thick farmer lads who spent a life throwing cows up out of ditches (cc @KinvarasPassion) don’t want to change their ways and start growing crops instead. It’s way too much work.

Most micks like to eat beef and lots of it


I believe Agriculture probably has to try and reduce their emissions alright & 7% is an achievable target.
But the Greens continue to shout about Herd reductions which is a big no no in rural Ireland and will tool up the Farming Lobby Machine to the detriment of common sense talks & approach to the issue.

I’d like to see to positive thinking as to how Farmers can profitably diversify without Isolating ageing farmers with complicated targets.

An example is this farm Enterprise in West Clare,

There has been efforts made in how farmers are dispensing of Animal slurry while reducing excess emissions & also reducing Nitrates being applied to the land.
Grass is a wonderful & cheap source of feed, we do so much more Eco Friendly than a lot of nations to produce Beef & Dairy.

An story as per below should be major news and could create jobs while also reducing emissions, maybe I missed the Greens statement on this elsewhere?

I’d like to see good news stories from the Greens which will draw in Rural Ireland. Currently no one within the Party seems to be Agri leaning or at all interested in being seen to be active in the sector from what I can see.

FFG have been letting Farmers down now for decades imo and although there are those who will never trust the Greens there are generation following now who will follow a Party who can secure a livelihood for them.


Sure they used to grow crops. If they could still make money doing it, they would still be doing it. But they can’t compete with imports.
If we reduce the herd here where does that beef come from? Cut down some more rainforests in Brazil?

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Sure you can grow beef in a lab now. Just ask @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy