General Election 2020 Part 2

The solution isnā€™t supply itā€™s demand. The herd thing is completely overplayed for me. Thereā€™s easier wins that wonā€™t be half as destructive to the economy.
Greens promise to stop all raw sewage into the sea in 5 years. Process the sewage into fertiliser as is done already in places. No one could disagree with that and itā€™s achievable and is a win all over for everyone.
Enforce stringent recycling regulations. No more single use plastics etc. Again I donā€™t think many could be against that. Make ireland a World leader in sustainable packing production. No more exporting of recycling either. Shipping our shit off to some poor third world country so they can dump it in landfill and we can pretend we are doing our part recycling.
Ramp up insulation grants for older houses, Subsidies for air to water heating systems Etc.
Gradually remove coal from the market as a fuel, encourage people to install wood pellet stoves etc.
Big program where all government buildings are to be retrofitted for energy efficiency, hospitals, schools etc etc again thereā€™s a win all round. Some schools spend a small fortune on their heating bills that could instead be put to better uses.

All of these are achievable policies, which would make a real difference and would have basically no objectors.


I believe the bulk of Irish reared beef goes to the Fast-food & Catering industries. A large chunk is then exported thereafter.

Irelandā€™s actual demand for beef is weak compared to some counties but then again weā€™re a relatively small nation.

The lockdown hurt beef finishers as McDonalds & the like were closed but on the flip side the local butcher was booming business wise as families were cooking cuts of meat as opposed to ready prepared processed meats.

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Last Green Party in government saw a big uptake in wood burning pellet boilers but Iā€™d guess everyone of them has since been fucked out instead of oil.
Pellets were atrociously expensive and impossible to keep moisture levels down in storage if buying in bulk etc.

Packaging is a scandal in this country. Millions of confectionary products ingested weekly ( disgrace in itself ) and a tiny fraction of it recyclable. Some of it fine for Terracycle? Wtf do you take a piece of packaging for Terracycle?

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Sorry mate I forgot to mention make it illegal for people to cut their lawns

Lawns? Fucking LAWNS? Itā€™s biodiversity we need. All lawns* under 2 hectares to be meadowfied immediately to cultivate wildlife. Anything over that gets a wolf.

*except tennis lawns.


Agriculture employs a lot more than rooral types. Thereā€™d be a good many townies involved too by the time itā€™s all done and dusted. Even a few accountants Iā€™d say.

FFS - Townie cunts like @chocolatemice and @Mark_Renton have been shouting about seaweed for near on 10 years nowā€¦ What the fuck are you stupid bogger cunts at ??

We need more forrest cover. Any wavering old farmer should be bought out. Land covered in indigenous trees. A couple of wolves and a bear lobbed in. A road through the middle for tourists. More wildlife and, importantly, more money.


@Rocko what is the Green Partyā€™s stance on Nuclear power?

A few excellent posts from @Julio_Geordio and @carryharry.

The Greens agenda towards agriculture is all wrong. They need to work with it rather than against it. There is obvious mistrust in rural communities when all you hear from them is wolves being put back into nature, feeding the country from window boxes and culling the national herd. Farmers are one of the most flexible professions in the country and have proven that over the past 50 years going through many changes. I fully believe the Greens and farmers can work together for the betterment of the global environment but itā€™s the Greens who really need to change their tack.


Making it happen you lickspittle

Can you be more specific?

What agenda do you disagree with

Official stance currently is opposition. But frequent discussions on the holy grail alternative of clean, safe energy.

@Rocko could you do up the costings on a nuclear power plant please. A lad I know who was into climate change before anyone visited a nuclear plant in England in the mid 0ā€™s. They reckoned then youd be looking at a couple of billion. Thatā€™s before you start purchasing expensive plutonium to process. Sure that would barely get you a hospital these days.

I did a module in college a few years back on energy systems etc. In that we went through the costing of a nuclear plant. Largest cost is servicing the debt required to build it (50 year payback). The upfront cost then was 10-16 billion. Conclusion was private industry wouldnt build due to cost and payback period and governments will have to under right the cost of capital. I believe this is what happened with the new plant near Bristol. That was announced around that time

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Ā£20 billion upfront and projected to be under Ā£50 billion with capital cost with a payback period of 60 years

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Donā€™t know why we donā€™t build 4 reactors and put them in arklow, athlone, charleville and new Ross. That way if they go Chernobyl then it might actually improve the places

I think that will have to go out to tender. Rathkeale, Athy, Tipp town, Carrick on Suir and Mullingar will all be looking for one as well.


How many of them bad boys would we need before we can get rid of the fucking windmills?