General Election 2020 Part 2

Danny Healy rae as environment minister

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FFG justify not speaking to SF about government formation on the basis it’s what their supporters voted for.

Yet they consistently rebuked and ridiculed SF for not taking Westminster seats despite the abstentionist policy being well established and something their supporters voted for.

FFG said it was imperative to have Irish representation in Westminster for Brexit, I’m sure they would agree we also need a government in the Dáil for Brexit too.

This is rank hypocrisy and their stance is putting the country at risk. It must be called out by all reasonable observers.


I’d say a ranking of independents from left to right, with those most left being towards the top and those most toxic right being at the bottom would be:

Joan Collins
Catherine Connolly
Thomas Pringle
Michael McNamara
Michael Fitzmaurice
Cathal Berry
Matt Shanahan
Marian Harkin
Richard O’Donoghue
Sean Canney
Carol Nolan
Denis Naughten
Mattie McGrath
Michael Healy Rae
Michael Collins
Peter Fitzpatrick
Michael Lowry
Danny Healy Rae
Verona Murphy
Noel Grealish

After Naughten you get into the nutty squad, with the exception of Lowry, who is toxic for other reasons.

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Connolly will def play ball with a left wing Government. Shes a genuine person and will be in tune with the peoples call for change

Grealish is a scumbag but a canny one. He will vote with whoever makes it easier for him to get re-elected, principles and people won’t come into it.

One of the real questions for SF is to what extent they push the 32 County Republic. Their success is based on their standing on Housing and Health as much as anything about a United Ireland. It is to their credit that the country has put their trust in them on these issues but now they must deliver and their ability to convince independents and the broader left parties that these issues are priority will be crucial. Sould they can succeed on the big day to day issues, like those mentioned, a United Ireland will be a legitimate formality

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Michael Fitzmaurice and The Greens might struggle to see eye to eye too.

Ah now.


He did a podcast with Dunphy yesterday. Interesting enough.

Only problem with being a career politician is that if you’ve never worked a normal job you might get separated from reality eventually once you get a taste of the state car. Just look at Labour in the UK. Early days for most of the SF crew of course.

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@tallback and @Tim_Riggins were loudly banging this drum all brexit long.

The Irish are obsessed about what the people on the mainland think about them. I was watching Jaws myself, great movie.

This from the guy who hid the FF logo on his election car in 2011.

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Teacher’s pet

That’s a lovely point. That will drive a few right wing nut balls nuts on the twitter.

Another election in 6 months.

What are you talking about? MaryLou said she wanted to talk to the left first. The counting is only just over.
Maybe don’t jump on the high horse just yet

It’s all about the narrative now. The narrative battle must be won.

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Bertie big bollix on newstalk now
 the curse of fucking iptv, I think i’m 20 seconds behind live events every time I’m watching / listening to something

Thinks a sizable amount of FF party wont have appetite to go in with SF.

Are FFG both posturing now to be the main opposition?