General Election 2020 Part 2

A SF/ left minority govt I reckon. I’d give them more than six months as well unless they self destruct. Not in FFG’s interest to have a GE for a few years.

Less of that now or I’ll turn it all off on you.


Fair point.

It cuts the other way though too. If you’ve spent the last while extolling the virtue of respecting a core political commitment you’d be a right hypocritical fucker if you say that virtue no longer applies just because it’s politically convenient now for you.

It’s also a bit funny that you have lads hopping like sausages for weeks saying we have to get FG out and now hoping that they’ll go in with SF because they’ve looked around and realised that gov with their leftie buddies would be like trying to herd cats.

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David Cullinane did a superb job there of keeping the hardcore Sinn Fein diehards onside, you’d have to say. But given the leaking of the footage you’d assume that the movement still has an issue with touts. I’d imagine someone will be dreading the knock on the door down Suirside tonight.

As an aside it’s quite amazing that State neglect has transformed Waterford City from a bizarre Redmondite stronghold into a Sinn Fein heartland in less than a generation.


I always thought that a large part of Waterford’s travails stem from the clowns they elect.

Is Cullinane going to be an improvement?

He will once he calms down.

The Helvic area would have always been a republican stronghold & the stickies had a presence in the city for years

Pat Kenny opening the show here with the DUP - Greg Campbell.


I’m disappointed with the criticism of Emmet Kirwan on here. There’s very little sophistication in some people - they just shoot down anyone who speaks. It used to be you had to be properly disagreeable to get a lambasting on TFK. Now, all you need to have is some airtime. Kirwan is a decent sort.


I agree fully. Emmett is an alright sort.

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They were Unionist stickies. I remember one night being woken up by the sound of gunfire in Lismore Lawn. It was a failed assassination attempt on the IRSPs SĂŠamus Costello.

Pat is really struggling with the results of this election. He hasn’t a nice time of it lately.

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What year was Seamus Costello killed ?? Wasn’t it around north strand .

I’d say he is looking around for someone to sue.

Anyone hear RBB on Newstalk this morning. Coleman was going berserk and RBB quitened him with a delightful 5 second pause. It put the sh!ts up Coleman and he rowed back pretty quick.

They got him in 1977 on the North Strand. He was a good CBC Monkstown boy like @Tim_Riggins

Absolutely. Someone is going to have to come in and clean up the mess that will be created by anarchists trying to govern.


Anger is an energy.

He must have read “Never Split the Difference”

The IMF?