General Election 2020 Part 2

I think Bertie’s time has come to redeem himself. Who better than the great negotiator himself to bring SF & FF together.


Are they not out in the cold because of the mess they have made of the country? — was @Tassotti right all along, are the micks incapable of ruling themselves and do we need the mainland to intervene?

Ah Christ, not again!

There was a great point made on Drivetime yesterday evening. FFG aren’t shitting it that SF will make a mess of it. They’re shitting it that SF may actually deliver on some of their promises.

Not another cent.

What worries me is that this is uncannily like the Reichstag election of 1930 and we all know how that finished up.

They’d want to deliver on “some” of their promises

Your man Richmond last night talking to Kirwan saying - We’re Fine Gael, we wont be changing … and that’s fucking it in a nut shell.

The people voted for the removal of FG. SF & FF fought the election on the platform of removing FG from power. Accept the will of the people and get on with fulfilling yere promises.


The man presumed to be responsible for killing Costello, Jim Flynn, was shot leaving Cusack’s pub on the North Strand in 1982.

I believe Pearse Doherty is on record as saying he will withdraw the Apple appeal. I did a quick calc and this could build close to 100,000 houses.

100,000 FREE HOUSES.

It's Happening

We are?.. i’m not disputing any of that - merely pointing out the blinkered view of FFG.

Very informative.

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If SF focus on one issue, housing, and manage to solve it, they’ll be made up for a generation.


Political party aside and all that — it’s brilliant that people all over the country voted on national issues and people who dont have to face long commutes, or dont have kids or are set for their house, all still came out and voted in mass for these issues …

What a country. What a great bunch of lads.

Ole, ole, ole, ole…

Indo gone behind a paywall from today onwards. That’s another 7-12 seats guaranteed for Sinn Féin. Philip Ryan, Kev Doyle, Eilis O’Hanlon, Blue Hugh et al will be like the veritable* old man shouting at a cloud with nobody paying attention to them.

Have I used “veritable” correctly?


I read back on @Gman 's pre election analysis of the housing manifestos and theirs doesn’t seem to have much to it

Thats it in a nutshell. Nail it down, get it done.

I think you have, yes.

Eco block plastic homes.