General Election 2020 Part 2

Fuck that.

A good old fashioned recession would sort the housing crisis , rapid

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It was discussed on Radio Ɖireann there this morning and it seemed quite sensible and doable.

@Gman couldnt find the manifesto ā€” starting rattling on about shadowy men holding it backā€¦ One of the big things is the amount of workers needed - where are they? but if the political will is there thereā€™s no reason why they cant make a good go at reaching their target.

It was updated somewhat after my review, however the big take away is that under the national development plan brought in by the government, 50,000 houses are scheduled to be completed which Sinn Fein were counting as part of their 100,000. So effectively they are only proposing 50,000 houses. And even at that, Fine Gael were proposing building a portion of that quantity anyway within their manifesto.

Tell them to update their fucking website!


It will be updated when the 100k homes are built.

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Strangely enough, I thought their naked hatred of anything Sinn Fein did the opposite and caused most sensible readers to see they were shills for DOB


Its time for the landlords of TFK to sell your propertys to the authorities. We all need to do our bit.

Unlike FG, SF are surely not stupid enough to think that the private sector will solve social problems.

SF/FF/Greens/SDs according to the Indo

Iā€™m burning it down for insurance. Pearse has my back.

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Iā€™m in touch with the authorities, they seem very keen. Iā€™ve told them to up their offers.

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Is this the document you analysed, @Gman?Ć©in_Housing_Manifesto_20203.pdf

I said I thought you were working off an out of date document.

The above was published as part of the campaign.

Pat Kenny was absolutely seething this morning. Seething


Sure what does he expect. Nobody listens to NT.

He normally has a faux balance to the program, but it was a pure sulk this morning. It was great to listen to, the establishment are rattled.

Thinly veiled leave my friend Emmet alone


That link is dead for me.

I published all links looked at on the thread,

Was the one I saw at the time of posting.

Presumably it will have to be a rotating Taoiseach arrangement between Mary Lou and Champ?