General Election 2020 Part 2

Michelle Oā€™Neill is a resident of another jurisdiction. Whatā€™s the expert medical advice on this at the moment and are there restrictions in place for UK residents travelling to Dublin?

Michelle Oā€™Neill had no business being in attendance yesterday, none whatsoever.

As regards the cabinet. The simpletons up the west moaning about representation is highly amusing considering what theyā€™ve dished up in the past 25 years as an electorate.

The new cabinet is generally enough comprised of able people bar,

  • Darragh Oā€™Brien
  • Stephen Donnelly
  • Barry Cowen
  • Dara Callery

The appointments of the Green Party TDā€™s to portfolios which are stacked unfairly is also a massive boo boo, I canā€™t fathom how they agreed to it at all.
Letā€™s be fair, we donā€™t need a 45 member cabinet but some of the Portfolios received by Gorman & Martin are off the walls deep in responsibility.
Nessa and the naysayers will be proven correct to be very windy PF that deal.

All the while, FG cabinet members are easing into peachy portfolios and whatever the outcome of the lifetime of government they look certain to come out smelling of roses.

Itā€™s the political master stroke of the last 50 years the way FG negotiated this cabinet.
Whatever the fuck amount of spin is thrown about, whatever the simpletons throw at Leo he just flings it back with interest.

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Classy. He seems an alright sort.


I think youā€™re overegging it. It makes sense for everyone for Paschal and Coveney to stay in their positions because of their status in Europe, with Brexit is still in the melting pot and the EU recovery fund and a lot of connected finance measures are still being negotiated.

Does anyone know is there a provision for a cabinet reshuffle at halfway anyway? Iā€™d expect so, then they get to renegotiate again.

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Norma Foley being touted as a positive appointment by the educators on my twitter timeline,

Well sheā€™s a teacher so presumably the assumption is sheā€™ll have their interests close to her heart

What has Stephen donnellys done to see his stock fallen so far that everyone here seems to be lumping him in with the useless cunts?
Not that long ago he was seen generally as a sharp progressive operator with a posh well spoken accent?

Sheā€™s a newly elected TD given a ministerial portfolio. Prior to yesterday I think it was just 6 who had ever achieved that particular accolade and those 6 included a few real political heavyweights.

Political reality for Champ was, he had to appoint one of his female TDā€™s to Cabinet. He had 5 to choose from - two Norma Foley and Jennifer Murnane Oā€™Connor just elected for the first time and the other three Anne Rabbitte, Mary Butler and Niamh Smyth elected for first time in 2016 and didnā€™t exactly tear it up during their first term.

Who are the 6?

He is. A sound guyā€¦

We go again.

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I canā€™t believe Donnelly got a seat at the top tableā€¦ Heā€™s a complete bluffer. He was dismantled in all pre election debatesā€¦ You can pick holes in any politician but I think heā€™s completely the wrong man for a top gigā€¦

Where did Eoghan Murphy end up?

Dr Noel Browne, Kevin Boland, Martin Oā€™Donoghue, Alan Dukes, Niamh Breathnach, Katherine Zappone. To the best of my knowledge thatā€™s it.

Roderic Oā€™Gorman and Norma Foley then yesterday.

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Whatā€™s this champ thing about? Is dan the only one at it? Is it a joke that didnā€™t really land and heā€™s sticking with it in the hope that persistence will make it funny eventually MBB style?

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On the side of the street if thereā€™s any justice.

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Who is champ?

Champ Martin. Was Mickey Martins boxing moniker

@glasagusban is very green.

Like footix? I still cringe every time

Or the song lyrics, sorry @iron_mike but youā€™ve been badly advised there