General Election 2020 Part 2

Seems like his father was an alright sortā€¦ Itā€™s amazing how he turned out to be such a wanker.

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Itā€™s a left field move appointing a Junior Minister from the ranks of the Seanad and I canā€™t imagine it will go down too well with the Green Party TDā€™s that she has leapfrogged.

Canā€™t recall any instances of a Senator appointed as a Junior Minister. There is a constitutional provision within Article 28 which allows for a Senator to be appointed as a Minister but thatā€™s only ever been availed of twice, I think.


A working-class Taoiseach isnā€™t even enough for the permanently oppressed

Are the West not being treated properly currently? What do they want?

Theyā€™re badly missing a Pee Flynn type over there

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Youā€™d miss Vinny on the tv


One was UCD professor and great guy Jim Dooge. He was Garrett Fitzgeraldā€™s best mate so his wife encouraged him to appoint him so heā€™d stay out of Foreign Affairs business as Taoiseach.

Iā€™d rather have Oā€™Brien going up against Oā€™Broin than Murphy. Himself and Cowen are loudmouth bulldogs but there is a place for that.

Transport should be a great gig for the Greens. They just need to be careful not to get sucked into a National Childrenā€™s Hospital like cost overrun issue which is almost certain on any large infrastructure project.

The privately educated Shinners donā€™t know which way to turn

Half the lads who liked this post didnā€™t understand it


Whoā€™s working class? Are you saying heā€™s not a wanker?

Yes, Scouser Professor James Doogue in 1981 and Devā€™s Old comrade in arms Sean Moylan was appointed Minister for Agriculture in 1957 after losing his seat in the General Election. Moylan would have around 70 at that stage and died suddenly from a heart attack a few months later.

Barry Cowen on newstalk there saying that bad management of the country by FF and FG is forgotten now that they are all friends

Oā€™Donoghue destroyed the country, Breatnach and Zappone were one term TDs, apart from being a self serving cunt and an apparatchik Boland achieved nothing of note. Browne is fondly remembered by a certain coterie but achieved little in reality. Dukes probably the pick of the bunch, so hardly a stellar bunch.

The planet comes first

@iron_mike grand day for of fly tipping

Iā€™m just back kid. I was hoping to burn a few bits but itā€™s a bit damp. I might just have to go out again after the dinner and find somewhere to get rid of a few bits and pieces.

I have a mattress and other a few other bits to get rid off. Will find somewhere around malahide to leave it.

Yerra just leave it outside. Iā€™ll pick it up during the week. Iā€™m up that direction anyway.