General Election 2020 Part 2

Further to the Wesht whining about not getting big jobs - I’d say a disproportionate number of independents are west coast. Added to that a lot of SF tds too.

Take somewhere like Sligo - if you send journeymen like McSharry and Feighan to represent you along with a Shinner and an independent you’re really giving up any realistic claim to cabinet seats

I’d say there are at least 20 regular posters here who are better qualified than me to answer that

That’s true enough. Calleary as deputy leader, one of their longest serving and seemingly a dead cert is a real lightning rod to claim the West has been slighted. Himself, Big Jim and McGrath probably the only three leadership threats to Champ. The first two are knifed. The Corkie survives.

He was never going to hang on but a double whammy for Mayo and the West with Ringer axed as well. I’d be fairly certain he was one of the 5 who were opposing the coalition deal and I’d expect him to be really shit stirring on the back benches. Ringer will be screeching loudest about the neglect of the West but privately I’m sure will have taken great delight in the knifing of his constituency colleague.

Nit since Cromwell has an Englishman taken such an interest in Irish politics. Fair play Dan

As an exile over here in Eire, I do keep an eye on what the Micks get up to. It can cut both ways, I suppose. The Micks seem to have a lot of interest in our politics, our English and Scottish domestic soccer leagues and British culture in general.


Backlash has started now from the ultra woke, it appears that she campaigned for the pro life crowd so the RSE curriculum is about to go 19th century and religion will get an additional hour a day

Why is that ultra woke

Because nobody should be defined by something as simple as that, she campaigned in support of her beliefs, I don’t think this will affect her thought process as education minister, let’s wait and see

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The love not hate, pro diversity and inclusion crowd are not happy with her nomination. She’s obviously the wrong kind of woman for the job. Imagine nominating a teacher for that role! Lots of idle speculation about all the things she *might do that disqualify her from the position.


I don’t get that at all. She looks like a bull dyke and I would have thought that ticked enough boxes whereby talent and achievements would be secondary considerations

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She’s probably the only voice within the ranks they have with a rural background or involvement in Agriculture.

Disgraceful effort

Is that the real paper or the paper your wan of the bourkes claimed to be from to attack Dr Tony?

You’re in wicked aul form tonight kid. What’s up?


What’s the shortest a govt has sat for

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It’d be a quick term for those with their eyes on the pension.

That’s the real article, Mayo’s finest

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I presume the 81/82 governments would be there or there abouts