General Election 2020 Part 2

They are going demented north of the border.

Delicious, more pls sir.

How long do they need to sit to get the pensions

Haven’t a clue chief

I am not happy with the Poles

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You can be sure them boys know

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Need to sit for two terms of Government to be eligible for the pension.


Ah lovely

I’d put Chief Whip in a three party coalition ahead of Higher Education and a couple of other roles in that cabinet in importance, vote or no vote.

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Jaysus i hate this government already and they have barely made a decision

I’d agree but it’s all about perception here. Plus the Stephen Donnolly appointment adds salt to the wound. Forget the fact that its health, it’s still a ministry

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81/82 were positively long lasting governments compared to the three months between elections in June 1927 and September 1927.

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I bow to your superior knowledge sir

Chump Martin

Martin doesn’t give a fuck seemingly.

His legacy is to try and make Fianna FĂĄil look complement in Government, tackling the big problems, and he leads that now so wants as many competent people around as possible. Donnelly must impress him.

In 2.5 years, FF can reset their cabinet deck with a new leader and push for another election in the hope of getting a dividend for capable performance.

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Yeah, that’s evident. Plus Martin has reached the holy grail now . He has avoided being g the only ff leader not to get the big gig. Someone else’s problem in a couple of years.

I would assign a serious asterix to Martins ‘term’ as an abbreviated Taoiseach.

Not disagreeing with you but like Galways All Irelands up to 88, they’re still recorded as victories


Fucking hell mike you’re taking no prisoners today

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You can’t beat a good night’s sleep at the weekend with no drink inside you kid. Although I did check with the doctor and I will be allowed consume two pints of Guinness while I take my wife to a fancy Dan restaurant next weekend