General Election 2020 Part 2

God knows the Pair of ye deserve it

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Ah shur fuck it. Weā€™re back to normal now.

Jaysus, thatā€™s very biting towards Martin, heā€™s a proud man, his legacy will be very important to him, he is absolutely not gonna be dialling it in here, heā€™s got a tough job but Iā€™m certain heā€™s going to give it his very best, you honestly think he doesnā€™t give a fuck now that heā€™s got the job, wants to g down in the history books like Cowen?



Heā€™s corrupt.

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Well if history is anything to go by, when the going gets tough Martin will order a report.

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Dunno kid and dont really give a shit tbh. I actually dont mind him but the possibility of being the only ff leader never to get the gig I reckon irked him

Ah shur Harry, if he did enough digging, he could probably land an uppercut back. But sometimes you just gotta go for it

Be careful what you wish for.

Iā€™m in shock here. A Cork fella defending a Cork fella. Jaysus, youā€™d never see it. Ever.

You high again bro?


And she leader of the thing now :joy::joy:


MĆŗinteoir is the pre-eminent qualification to prepare one to run the country.

Ah here - wait till you hear about the lads who want to govern a state they donā€™t recognise

Isnā€™t hush money to survivors of sexual abuse part of his legacy?

The disdain :clap::clap::clap::clap: Vinnie is an all time alright sort

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Fuck sake :smiley:

Border Poll

Martin has made some mug out of Dara Calleary.

Heā€™s like the groom who has been stood up at the altar with his bride to be running off with the best man and heā€™s then out defending the actions of the bride to be to everyone.

Youā€™d almost feel sorry for him if he wasnā€™t a FF lizard.


My Mayo connections reckon heā€™s too nice a chap to be in politics