General Election 2020 Part 2

Your Mayo connections are indeed a reflection of the footballers, coming up with this rhetoric about " too nice for politics" me arse. Comhairle Dail Liatroma have the opinion that he’s a dour, cheerless thick lump with a matching expression. That said, he’s been shafted by Champ who’s become a virtual 3 card trick merchant.

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" too nice for Politics " :grin:

How has he been shafted can anyone explain to me?

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There is no sympathy in this game

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A 3rd generation TD I believe. Nepotism and a sense of entitlement don’t go well.

He’s Fianna Fáil royalty, impeccable bloodlines and breeding stretching all the way back to the Civil War. Deputy leader and presumptive Minister from the West and he gets shafted for some soft cock from Greystones, who was only a blow in to the party about 3 years ago.


He’s the deputy leader of the party and part of the negoiation team. His late father was a TD for yonks and I’m sure Dara has been knocking doors for most of his adult life.
But Hey Presto! Ministerial portfolios (5) are up for distribution and they go to:

The daughter of Ansbacher Foley, a first time TD… Bizarre.
That political vagrant Donnelly, the modern day Syrian refugee of Irish politics. Unworthy.

I mightn’t like Calleary but he’s more worthy of a senior post that either of those outlined.


A bizarre decision to have Donnelly Cowen and Foley ahead of him. Not much depth outside McGrath and O’Brien. Again Jim O Callaghan should have been in prime position but obviously had pissed off the Champ along the way as well.

Would Jim be willing to take the financial hit ??

Hazel Chu elected Lord Mayor of Dublin
The Greens roll on

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He was always going to select a woman to
Cabinet. Norma Foley is not that much of a shock on one level when you analyse it. He had five to pick from, two newly elected and three who were elected for the first time in 2016 and none of whom had exactly assumed galactico status. He could have picked any of the five really.

Calleary is experienced and probably solid enough, if not exactly a world beater or exuding charisma. Big Jim one of the heaviest hitting Senior Counsel in the Law Library, if maybe not the most political savvy. In a parliamentary party seriously lacking in big hitters and experience, I would have thought Big Jim for Justice.


Another former representative rugby player Big Jim in FF ranks .

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Pack it in Miriam.


And a light blue representative in the Varsity Match.

Big Jim played a bit of football for Kilmacud Crokes in his day as well.

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In the porch I met Dara Colleary crying
He had always taken cabinet announcements in his stride
And big Jim O Callaghan saying it was a hard blow



Is there any history of Irish players in the Varsity game ?? Who would be our greatest varsity game player

Cameron Michael Henderson Gibson

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You know a lot about FF and private school boys in Ireland for a tan.


You know a lot about our England domestic soccer club scene for a Pretend IRA man from Limerick.


English soccer is on TV worldwide… Did you get a lot of Irish politics on TV in tanland in the 60s/70s?