General Election 2020 Part 2

And she has the teachers pension trousered well in advance. You can’t get anymore FF blue blood than that


How does that work so does she just get to claim a full teacher pension even though she hasn’t worked until the right age?

It’s an old “hand me down the guide book there Enda” syndrome.
There’s actually a precedent here I’m pretty certain. I don’t think she’s the 1st mĂșinteoir to become a minister. I’m subject to correction on this now, mind. :wink:

So what actually happens? I heard before they actually get paid a teachers pension in the Dail but someone else said that was bullshit. It’s one of the many things where there must be a simple enough fact about what it is but everyone just speculates away with their own theories until they replace the facts.

Saw him on the news last night
He’s in dire need of a haircut

She qualifies for whatever accrued teacher’s pension she has accumulated at 65.
Now she may go “on leave” from the mĂșinteoir lark while she flirts with politics.
Her teacher’s pension AFAIK is stalled, subject to re-ignition, at it’s current level pending her terms of office. In the old days you could become a TD at 30 and your teachers pension grew cumulatively while you were scoffing carveries at 65 in the Dáil restaurant. Of course your Dáil pension was also growing swimmingly.

I think Finance Minister Cowen put an end to that gravy train. Subject to correction though.

Two X Chromosomes

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That seems fair

It more than likely is but try explaining it to some folk. You can hear the shrill screech now

Dáil pension, teachers pension, Ministers pension, MEP pension, SFP cheques, Co.Council pension (non-existent)
 All going to a useless (insert TD) fuc*er

You try keeping three houses on two government guaranteed pensions and see how far you get

You get to write a nice fat cheque upto Terry Prone. That’s what you get

Starting to fall apart for FF already

“But it’s a well paid job!”

2 half cars for the town Burke and Troy hup outta that👍 There’ll be bonfires lit tonightđŸ€Ł PS if it wasn’t pissing down

Two junior ministers for west limerick there

Will they make any difference?

Jim O Callaghan turning down a junior ministry

The FF leadership battle starts here.

Sweet suffering jaysus this dud has got a junior ministry

Fianna FĂĄil TD for Waterford Mary Butler has been appointed Minister of State for Older People and Mental Health.

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