General Election 2020 Part 2

The only thing @gman did on that thread was out himself as a blueshirt

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The IMF war reparations have brought us to this point.

The Naziā€™s only won 18% of the vote, so Mary Lou has an even stronger mandate than Hitler

A Sinn Fein dominated election is your hero Michael Noonanā€™s legacy. Let that sink in.

FF will surely get rid of Martin before then? Although whoā€™d theyā€™d replace him with I have no idea.

Will they bring the Greens along for the laugh? Give them the environment ministry and then they can both just blame everything that goes wrong on them.

Nah, Charlie has that honour.

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SF/IRA won the election but they didnā€™t dominate it, either in seats or the popular vote.


Tocqueville Paradox.

As the living standards in a society rise, the peopleā€™s expectations of the society rise with it. The rise in expectations eventually surpasses the rise in living standards, inevitably resulting in disaffection (and sometimes populist uprisings).

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This all comes back to the ham fisted attempts at an RIC commeration, and the wave of nationalism that swept the country. You had Come Out You Black and Tans top of the charts etc, which dovetailed neatly into the election.

Then you had the narrative of SF being excluded by the mainstream media which fueled things even more. Davy Fitz couldnt have built a better siege mentality.


Cc @Batigol


Living standards isnt the same as equality you mongā€¦ living standards go up for everyone so the inequality gap stays the same.

Telling someone they have it better than a peasant 150 years ago is a dumb argument.


Peopleā€™s expectations havenā€™t risen though, they just want to be able to afford a home and get timely access to healthcare, both of which were possible when the country was one of the poorest in Western Europe, yet seem to be beyond our capabilities now that we are one of the richest.

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This week just gets better and better. If RTE would just close down now people might start thinking for themselves and weā€™d all be better off

You keep saying this and I think itā€™s an odd way of phrasing it. They are proposing to continue the 50k planned by the current government and acknowledge that, that seems sensible. And they propose to build a full 100% more, which you keep downplaying somehow.

Some economist lad on morning Ireland this morning was asked was it feasible and reckoned not only was it feasible and well costed, but that if it wasnā€™t done now it would be completely irresponsible and throwing more money at the private market to fix the problem would bankrupt the country or something to that effect.


People can afford a home but not necessarily a home where they want it. We have one of highest rates of home ownership in the world.

Itā€™s an issue now because after the crash nothing was built for nearly ten years. House are now being built but it takes time to catch up ten years of nothing.

I remember the 70s and 80s. Healthcare was still shit. People were paying 16 per cent mortgage interest. Inflation ate away mortgage debt but people were barely hanging on - nobody went on foreign holidays or had two cars etc. Nobody expected that.

Harking back to halcyon days of yore is what led to Brexit and Trump.


All you need nowadays is to be vaguely young, critical of the establishment or direction of the country or want to improve things somehow and open your mouth about it for the FFG voting TFK geniuses to be along to call you a cunt.


Says the lad who calls all FG voters cunts. No mirrors in your house.

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I said all the FG party were cunts. Their voters are imbeciles and probably cunts.

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Incorrect. They absolutely dominated the vote.

Those werenā€™t economists, thatā€™s Orla Hegarty and Lorcan Sirr

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Thatā€™s really patronising bollox. Homes need to be where jobs are, or where people are from and want to live. Youā€™re probably happy for the economy to get by on the back of low wage workers making two hour commutes but many are not.