General Election 2020 Part 2

I might have. Can’t remember exactly.

Shambolic rural transport options are the standout point from This tale


Timmy Dooley took the 3 point speeding rap and Niall Collins signed in for whatever he was told to fess up to.

If it was a Shinner or a PBP TD a large section of the media would be looking to bring back capital punishment.

The shinners should throw out a dummy some day where they reveal one of their tds did something like relatively minor like the cowen thing, wait for the media storm to blow up and then the next day reveal it was actually a fianna failer did the exact same thing.


Well isn’t that what commies generally do ??

And you’ve clowns that don’t believe in political policing.

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They don’t promote drink driving licences like your hero.

Looks like things are going to get nasty in FF. They will tear themselves apart and all because of one man’s desire to be Taoiseach. Going to be great to watch.

My hero ???

If you count Catherine Martin then County Monaghan has produced two ministers and the whole of Connacht and Limerick couldn’t even produce one between them.

We truly are a substantial people.

By the way, Meehole went too far leaving out all three Calleary, Big Jim and Willie O’Dea. It makes the government far less likely to last I reckon.

Also, it’s some laugh, Jim O’Callaghan saying he turned down the Junior Ministry to focus on rebuilding the party from the back benches- why doesn’t he quit being a full-time senior counsel then!? I’d say that would free up some time!

Finally, I think we need a “TFK - Official List of Gimps” thread for the like of that FF Cork North TD who is so angry about not getting junior minister - it’s an insult to the constituency, I took 9 years of shit etc.

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Great analysis by me.

Who is currently shortest serving Taoiseach?
The FF implosion will be great viewing

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Jim is playing a blinder here. His only opponents for leader are all pro govt at very least or Martin at very worst. He has the anti vote sewn up.


John bruton

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Barry Cowen was still on a learning driving license in 2016. Wtf :laughing:


I dunno, Martin is quite durable. His imminent demise has been predicted quite regularly throughout his tenure and he keeps his detractors at bay. All the time fudging things, changing his mind on things to be consistent with the prevailing mood and reneging on his positions previously held.

You don’t become leader of FF without being a slippery, conniving eel.

Does Martin really think that people believe he only found out about the drink driving charge the other day? Fuck sake Clare Daly was arrested and the press knew in minutes. WTF on a learner licence as well. :sweat_smile:

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