General Election 2020 Part 2

Some lad in his 50s living in Offaly on a learner license :laughing: What a useless bastard


Is there anyone in FF not trying to topple Martin :joy: Youā€™d be embarrassed to be a FF TD who hasnā€™t had a go at him at this stage

Fianna Failā€™s finesht.

A lot of people of that era would never have done a test I think.

A lot of people were given driving licenses at one stage alright but I donā€™t know anybody of that age still on a learnerā€™s permit

I havenā€™t had a chance to check the papers this morning, or elsewhere online. But drink driving is a complete no no in this day and age, and Iā€™d say this story will stick around for a few days. I donā€™t think he was too far over the limit, but it hardly mitigates it. Martin might again wait to see what way the wind is blowing and Cowen might end up resigning ā€œfor the good of the party and to ensure thereā€™s no distractions as the government needs to get down to workā€.

this is Fianna Fail. Thereā€™ll be a look over here story about a Shinner or another lesser minister and heā€™ll ride it out

Remember that Celtic Tiger era FF minister Jim McDaid? He drunk drove up the wrong side of the N/M11 after being at Leopardstown races or something. Do I have that right?


He might resign to assist Big Jim in rebuilding the party from the grassroots.:grinning:

If Martin is saying he didnā€™t know about it (which I donā€™t see as credible), heā€™s basically declaring himself as not having a handle on whatā€™s going on in his party and as leader thatā€™s a problem. Heā€™s created a rock and a hard place for himself.

I just looked up the story there and yes, yes you have it right. McDowell was quick about circling the wagons

However, he pointed out that other politicians who had been found drink-driving in the past had not resigned. ā€œJim McDaid isnā€™t the first member of DĆ”il Ɖireann to find himself in these circumstances,ā€ he said. ā€œIf you look across the benches in the House, itā€™s not unprecedented, it hasnā€™t lead to a resignation in the past.ā€

He drove up the wrong side of a motorway, a truck driver drove in front of him and stopped him and took the keys off him :smiley:

In fairness, we all partied

Just checked and Martin says heā€™s disappointed he only found out yesterday but thinks Cowenā€™s remorse is genuine.

The political commentators will be able over Cowan I suspect, your Alison Oā€™Connorss, your Fionan Sheehansss, and an assortment of political junkies/nerds/anoraks

Iā€™d say zero chance Cowan would resign or at least if he gets the bullet he will bring everyone with him

Weā€™ll see what comes out on the radio shows on rte and newstalk tomorrow

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What was an Offaly man doing at an all Ireland football final?


Cowen has a hide as thick as his sibling had when he was Minister for Finance and Taoiseach - Cowen Jnr is going nowhere.

Half time entertainment

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Drinking a few pints by the look of things.

If you take what he says at face value then he was desperately unlucky to still be over the limit.
Two pints, at least 2 hours previous, and he had a meal afterwards as well. For a big framed fella like him to still blow over the limit after getting back to the station is surprising.