General Election 2020 Part 2



What’s your problem

I’d two long neck bottles of cider about an hour before I was bagged there about a month ago. Passed with flying colours! No way that’s the full story!

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Sure twas bullshit, he probably drank 4-5 pints.

I’d say a nice big meal as well
Mash, roast and boiled spuds.


That’s what I’m getting at.

Iirc, the provisional licence made him a specified driver under those newer regulations, the limit for that was something like a quarter of what you’d normally be looking at

Not sure what the limits were back then but these seem to be the current limits

That’s right, the limits are the same but there was no mandatory dq that time

Michael Martin must be horrified that cowen had a a Provisional in the car with him


Did Cowen not consider he may have had a big dinner, use the Danny Healy-Rae logic

No way you’d be over the limit

I met Barry about a bit of land he was sellingas an auctioneer a good few years ago. He was good craic. But he smoked a heap of fags inside his office which was floor to ceiling glass and we were in a hot box for a finish

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Did you ride him?

  1. The post office strike

The klaxon sounded and the Fiianna Fail shill responded.

Supporting kk like that spittoon licker Michael duignan no doubt

Incredibly hard to do the Ascot double. You gave it your best shot.

‘Tis gas
Same lads who were screaming for the pubs to open now want alcoholic Minister for Agriculture hung, drawn & quartered for sinking creamy pints on AI Final day.

It was a football final

Eh no, I think the drink driving is the issue