General Election 2020 Part 2

Ya thatā€™s exactly it mate :roll_eyes:

Ruh ohā€¦

Itā€™s gas that all the lads opposing murder were eating apples yesterday.



Fucking ape. Why would you risk your career for some ape who at best canā€™t farm or at worst is a horrible bastard

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A wedge of cash, obviously

A promise of a vote will generally do for them

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All the signs point towards the latter. That sort of thing would hardly go unremarked upon locally either.

He should have paid off the whistleblower. Poor politicking

This wonā€™t cost her a single vote locally. It might even win her votes.

I remember the case though, it was very disturbing. I would guess that the letter said ā€œthis poor old farmer has been very sick and unwell. Heā€™s been too sick to look after the farm and he has no family to help him.ā€

Link to original case pls. Was he starving cattle or was it horses?

Cattle. Dead and sick cattle lying about the place IIRC.

How elderly was this chap?

I think I remember it too and heā€™d previous convictions IIRC.

Humphreys sending the letter, while ill advised, isnā€™t the problem unless it said I order you to stop the prosecution. The issue will be with whoever told the AO in ag to pull the prosecution.

I know mate, but still.

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He had a skinfull

This ā€œunfortunate incidentā€ is in fact directly traceable to Taoiseach of the day Enda Kenny.
Enda famously recalled meeting a man with 2 pints. It seems that this man was Barry Cowen.


Any supporters of Roderic Oā€™Gorman on here? He looks to be in a bit bother the campaign against him is gathering momentum.

Shocking that the Greens didnā€™t get him.

John Connors isnā€™t happy about it