General Election 2020 Part 2

A homophobic campaign by nutters


In relation to this Cowen thing, do political parties not have a self declaration / checklist they require public representatives to complete annually? It would surely ensure their leaders are aware of any unbecoming behaviour by members and avoid public scandals arising if they had to answer set questions every year likeā€¦were you subject to criminal charges since your last declaration? What was the outcome? The forms could be outsourced for checking to @Batigol in the airport.

Have you received any gifts from a client in excess of ā‚¬80?

ā€œAre you carrying any explosives in your luggage?ā€

ā€œOh gosh, yes I am - will this affect my chances of getting on the plane?ā€

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What was he charged with?

He sure isnā€™t.

Whatā€™s the story with ROG?

He shared a platform with gay rights activist Peter thatchell

Edit I watched the video

The carry on of him immediately after he got elected makes me very suspicious of him.

Iā€™d agree with John there.

Flesh that out

John never met something innocuous he couldnā€™t overexaggerate.

Why, Roderic almost flashed it all. Giving a man the tongue knowing he was on tv.

Has this freak any marbles in his dense head at all? Iā€™d be all for this outrage in the media if I heard him once denounce the Traveller tradition of marrying off teenagers as they do.
Making their sons & daughters marry those picked for them.

Let the conversation be made fairly ref ROG but let this prick spare us the faux outrage.


I wouldnā€™t have much time for Roderic. He is a real right wing, blue shirt on a bike. However this smacks of an orchestrated, homophobic campaign against him directed by the usual nutters.



In what way is he right wing? Most of his politics from what Iā€™ve heard involve nationalising services or key functions of government. Or government providing more services. Thatā€™s fairly left wing Iā€™d say.

Heā€™s a lot more in common with Leo than KH and being gay

In fairness, it seems to be completely trial by twitter again. Lot of the usual lunatic suspects sharing links with nothing of substance.

Its really bad form to be honest.

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