General Election 2020 Part 2

I’d like them to also add the question…'Have you made representations for leniency on behalf of any defendant before the courts in the last year…

Barry Cowen eating crow here on the Week in Politics. Lot of staring at his brown shoes.

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“A mouthful is too much”

Has he offered his resignation yet?

He’s probably “given it some consideration”…as if.

Michael Ring was a standout in the clip. Laughing like a hyena and smacking Leo repeatedly.

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No he is just ashamed of himself.

Poor Barry, now his expenses are being questioned from when he was suspended from Driving.


Well surely it would cost him more to get around if he didn’t have use of his own car?

Surely some party stooge was hired as driver, or that’ll be the explanation anyway. There better not be a picture of Barry arriving at some meeting behind the wheel

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That’s what I was thinking, he still has to get to the Dail during those 3 months so either he hired someone to drive him, got taxi’s or used public transport.

Should the tax payer be funding a person convicted of drink driving?


I’d say the lads that think unemployed people should be denied Jobseeker’s Allowance if they leave Ireland for anything up to 2 weeks must be absolutely sickened by Barry Cowen using the public purse to cover his travel expenses for 6 months after being convicted for drink driving. My taxes paying for a chauffeur for a drink driving scumbag offends me greatly.


They should just increase the TD salary and stop the chicanery of “expenses” although I assume expenses are not taxed

That would just give them bigger pension surely?

Another issue alright

Are you equating people on welfare with people convicted of drink driving? Disgusting.

No, that would make no sense at all really.

He claimed expenses TAA that are unvouched and any TD who attends Dail gets so much per day based on distance to travel. If they are unvouched expenses where is the story?

There is none but for simpletons this is connected to publicly funded holidays for dolers somehow.