General Election 2020 Part 2

As an aside a lot of companies are not paying any staff who travel abroad and have to self isolate for two weeks on return and are not capable of attending work in some cases it seems even if possible to WFH. May be linked to TWSS payment

I don’t see how anyone should be paid if isolating, unless they made a necessary journey.

Sure didn’t they up their Salaries to stop them taking bribes. Must be great, break the law and get your salary increased so that you don’t do it again. :slight_smile:

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If your company send you to a COVID riddled country and when you come back you have to self isolate then yes the company should pay. If you go yourself then they shouldn’t pay.

Surely it’s a mileage allowance?

Surely it’s a travel allowance. You surely wouldn’t want to be encouraging people to use their cars instead of alternative transport options?

Just give them all an all services travel pass and build a co-living unit for 156 people on Parnell St so then we can do away with expenses altogether.


The public sector have a mileage rate. Is assume TDs fall under that but could be wrong.


Great post. Are you well up in the civil service?

Me and @glasagusban are the TK Whitaker’s of our generation

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No. Corona

You’re coming along well under my tutelage.

What’s the counter argument in favour of roderic? I’ve seen loads on twitter saying this tatchell fella is in favour of lowering age of consent etc and he’s a close associate of his

He isn’t a close associate.

How close are they saying he is and how close is he? I trust you as an honest broker here

They met once

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Are his opponents claiming this is enough to damn him or are they saying he met more times? Final question

Tbh I think the people accusing him are nuts


O Gorman had a photo taken with him on the only occasion they met . Close associate my hole. This is a grubby attempted smearing of a decent man