General Election 2020 Part 2

The political system is a sham. All it is, is a vehicle to sling mud and run from one crisis to the next ā€¦ meanwhile, the wants of society are neglected.

I see biffo B is in more bother

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See above statement.

Iā€™d say the smoke signals have gone out now and the wagons are being circled.

I would say there is worse than him in the Dail fiddling expenses. Look at Darragh Murphy and what he got away with, FG certainly donā€™t want to bring that back up.


Careful what you wish for.

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PaidĆ­ will never be front page news someone needs to tell him

Iā€™ll say it again. Martin is the greatest politician of all time to somehow steer this crowd of lepjacks into government.

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Sounds good, but thatā€™s socialism if not totally communism. Iā€™d be all for giving them that option, but if they declined, then let them fork out themselves.

They would argue that there is an allowance, but Iā€™ve no idea what that is.

Politics doesnt work.

How so? The Irish public have been voting corrupt FF gangsters into power for nearly a decade.

Youā€™d wonder how long before someone goes through Maurice McCabes files to see if Barry had any points wiped

Drugs ā€œMinisterā€ Frankeen Feighan getting savaged here on Drivetime.
Heā€™s like a man tied to a concrete block floundering in a boghole. Cringeworthy stuff.

Fuck off Frankeen.


Minister Feighan admits to ā€œnot being up to speed with all the terminologyā€ attaching to his new portfolio tasked with eradicating the drugs problem.
The vision of Frankeen being eviscerated by any middling interrogator would cause the drugs issue to spiral within the month.
It was terrific evening listening as the ball hopped from one public embarrassment to another. You said Minister and I quote ā€œhalf the staff in RTE are off their heads on cokeā€ now Minister surely an apology is needed here. Before he got halfway with some bumbling response he got hit with another haymaker.

Frankeen is in for a torrid time.


I wonder was that his big mistake


True. Would there be any corrupt gangsterism happening in Northern Ireland by any chance? A certain heating scheme perhaps?

Tragic reading reallyā€¦ This is our political system. What a farce.

And why wouldnā€™t they defend things they voted for under the C&S agreement


In 2011?