General Election 2020 Part 2

So would his wifeā€¦

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He seems to be taking a terribly round about way home. Maybe he was conscious that he only had a learner permit and was staying off the motorway. Otherwise it looks like he got off the motorway at Johnstown which is very early for someone going to Tullamore.

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Yeah doesnā€™t make sense. Much handier take the m4 and get off at Kilbeggan, especially coming from the north side of Dublin.

The only other one it could have been is Bertie shur.

Thereā€™s most likely a perfectly innocent explanation as to why he came off the motorway a bit early - to get a bag of chips or the like.

Me hoop.

BC will need a big win against the State to clear up another matter.

Most responsible driving to only drink drive away from the motorway, given he was on a provisional

Or he knew he was half cut

Me hoop.

Who was beside him is the issue, not the booze

Why do you think that?

Because itā€™s clear as day. Plus a buddy of mine has the actual story.

I havenā€™t followed the finer details of this story? How long was he put off the road for and what are the indicative levels of alcohol on board for the length of time he was out off?

Iā€™m completely lost. Whatā€™s alleged to be the full story? All Iā€™ve heard is cowen was a bit over the limit driving on a provisional license for some reason despite his age and may or may not have tried to do a u turn when he saw the checkpoint. Is there more to it?

Oh yes

Go onā€¦ Whatā€™s an anonymous message board if its not for telling others rumours youā€™ve heard.

Fuck off for yourself. Full details in the members lounge.

Didnā€™t have you down for one of those mbb style Iā€™m in the know fuck wits. Iā€™m logging off for the day now so guess Iā€™ll have to stay wondering for my Sunday :wave:

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Or open your eyes & ears. Try that

He already had a meal after the match. :thinking:

Heā€™s a roaster. There may have been a spar in Johnstown with Apple Tarts on special offer.