General Election 2020 Part 2

Iā€™m glad he did realise before he went any further, heā€™s got a good public image to help the settled and travelling community. Its a big gap and and a large amount of issues but he could do something positive

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Very possible that we wonā€™t be hearing from this esteemed actor/activist for a spell.
That, in itself, is a blessing. Johnā€™s cred appears to have been melted. Until the next timeā€¦

Could it have been on foot of a solicitors letter?

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No doubt

Hes a movie out next week so I imagine this is him trying to bury the last few weeks

Youā€™d see apologies after solicitors warnings though and they wouldnā€™t normally be that detailed or complete.

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Stop making excuses for him

I feel sorry for him, being nearly the only famous traveller person. Thatā€™s a lot of responsibility for him. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair.

He took it upon himself


The old mental health get out of jail card thrown in as well. Seems to be if you do anything and you are caught or found to be in wrong just say you had mental health issue and you will be fine. Load of bollox, it just takes away from people suffering with real mental health issues rather than ones that suddenly appeared because you were caught out or doing something wrong.


What card do the people with genuine mental health issues get to use in that case?

Connors will piss some people off no matter what he does

I wonder would the response be as forgiving if he wasnā€™t a traveller

Ah yeah, itā€™s well known that travellers have a cherished role in the internet

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They donā€™t get to play a card until they have a complete breakdown. I hate seeing this shite were the likes of Conners and Kerins get exposed and to save themselves they throw out I was dealing with a few mental issues and everyone says ah jaysus god love them, look after yourself. Itā€™s a load of bollix. They donā€™t have a clue what it is like to be dealing with a mental health issue or what families of those dealing with mental health issues go through, the hoops they have to jump through to get help, the lack of resources their is to support these people and the only solution is a cocktail of drugs and then you have fuckers like Conners come out with that shite. Give me a fucking break.



You donā€™t have a clue about anything to do with mental health issues but when someone says anything about them you are the first to say they are taking away from people with genuine mental health issues?

If you donā€™t have a clue about something, which is your starting point here, then maybe you should stay quiet.

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People use mental health issues as a get out for despicable behaviour.

Ah here we go wokegusban on the campaign trail again. How do you know what I know or what I donā€™t know? Have you watched your wife break down as her sibling was taken away after the police had to break down her door to get into her apartment, have you watched a family trying to reach someone with a mental illnesss, have you watched them suffer as they try to get help but have doors slammed in their faces? Have you? So donā€™t come on here pontificating about this shite unless you have lived through it. Conners is only fucking deflecting from his own fucking mess by throwing out the mental health excuse.

And do you want to know what excuse people with real mental health issues have they have none because they donā€™t believe they are fucking ill


Ooooft. Someone pick Karen up off the floor.