General Election 2020 Part 2


What a dodge out of him.

More SF voters favour tax cuts than FG ones.

The definition of the ā€œIā€™m alright Jacksā€.


He was a hero in SF up until then.

Would he be the murdering kind do you reckon?

Yes. He killed my fatherā€™s friend

Iā€™m sure whatever Kerry SF TD is sitting upon his next release will be there to collect him from Portlaoise or wherever he is.


Sinn FĆ©in need to just get on with it now.

Clearly informed voters who are aware of inefficient spending by FFG. Childrenā€™s Hospital being one example.

Youā€™re a supporter of the middle class Green Party mate. The people comfortable enough make sacrifices in income to save the planet.

Thatā€™s why Sinn FĆ©in want the carbon tax scrapped, ā€œitā€™s unfairā€.


How are SF/IRA going to ensure greater efficiency when they embark on their ambitious housing plan?

Build it or weā€™ll kill you.

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So you favour tax cuts over public spending, including money to help our future sick children.



So the only viable government is SF/FF/Greens maybe? Or FFG/Greens? Either of which would possibly destroy FF. Interesting to see if his ego will allow him say no to one of these.

Thatā€™s a fair argument and youā€™ve put it better than he did last night

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Tax cuts can be facilitated by more efficient spending. FG worrying about sick children?? Theyā€™re responsible for overseeing the most expensive hospital in history. Because of poor planning and spending by FG the last people to benefit will be the children.

I think the Greens tbh are a movement all of their own. Outside of the climate action stuff Iā€™d wager a lot of people would struggle to identify if they are left wing, right wing or flightless. If they could gain more traction on a select few policy areas outside of climate they could see further gains in the summer GE.

In the post Civil War Politics world, thatā€™s the way its going to go, parties will find their niches. Iā€™d find it very hard to see overall majority for any party any time soon.

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What I really hate about election time is - ā€˜the peopleā€™ - ad nauseam

Who the fuck are ā€˜the peopleā€™ ???

Easily done in fairness Charlie, I suspect it wonā€™t happen again

Sorry to chime in here @Tim_Riggins old buddy but climate change affects the poorest on our planet more than the middle class paddy. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and I were in no small way architects of the rise of Sinn Fein. a number of months ago we realized the dawn of a United Ireland was imminent and decided to embark on a new political journey to ensure said utopian socialist republic is not submerged by rising sea levels. #envirorepublicanism #britsoutcarbonout


There is absolutely zero evidence that SF will spend the tax take more efficiently but they have been given the mandate now to try which they must do.

Wasnā€™t it some hired hood from Limerick that did the shooting?