General Election 2020 Part 2

Who gave them a mandate?? The people?

Weird that @Gman picked up on it too so.

Loyalist eating wolves

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Yes there is.

Who are the people?

The overspend in the Children’s Hospital is a disgrace but it is ultimately capital spending that will benefit society for decades to come. Infrastructure projects all over the world run over budget regularly. It’s time people grew up and realised that.

You support short term spending splashes and tax cuts to suit your own short term needs. You are the definition of self absorbed.

Looks like the men of violence are out to railroad peace and democracy 
 Sinn Fein will not be deterred by these terrorists

Ann Lovett was by far the biggest story. I think it is still impacting the public today.

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Where is it?

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy won’t know who to support here

This Sid fella seems to have you driven to distraction, whoever he is.

Like all slavish devotees to the cult of American capitalism, you confuse the stock market with the well being of a populace. The US economy is run for the benefit of the few. Trump himself consistently referenced a figure of 95 million unemployed. Amazingly, after he became president, he suddenly stopped referencing that figure. He never referenced the cardboard cities or the towns and cities plagued by the opioid epidemic created by American market capitalism. He has done nothing to fix the lot of ordinary people, only make it worse.

Ironically, all the same things that led that to Trump, the people being pissed off at being hamsters on a wheel or pissed off at the lack of public services or shit healthcare, the vast and increasing wealth inequality or the vast amounts of debt they have to take on to have any sort of a life, are things that also led to Sinn Fein doing so well. Real people with real lives, struggling, hamsters on a wheel, or desperate. The difference is, like all far right populist charlatans in history, including the Nazis, so the reference is entirely well taken, Trump turned that anger away from from where it actually lay - the failure of American market capitalism as a system to provide for its people, and onto an out group, or many out groups in Trump’s case.

Sinn Fein have done no such thing. People like yourself refuse to contemplate or understand any of those things. You actually refuse to understand any of the issues brought about by the failure of Anglo-American capitalism that meant vast amounts of people were fodder for a charlatan like Trump or the Brexiteers, who pulled the age old con trick on them of blaming everything on an out group.

Sinn Fein aren’t pulling a con trick. They identify the problems clearly and have some excellent, reasonable ideas to fix them. Some of their policies, particularly the pension one, may not be workable. But the general direction of travel, the feeling that somebody identifies the problems, is what has draawn people to them. And every other left party identifies the same problems.

Fine Gael’s answer and the answer of the ideological right in general has always been to create division and to play people off against each other, because ultimately, despite protestatons to the contrary, they are believers that market ideology is infallible, and are powerless to explain its failure, so they themselves have to play the populist game of creating out groups for people to blame. Public v private. Homeowners v renters. Workers v “spongers”. Old v young. “People who get up in the morning” v “people who don’t”.

The only answer you have is to tell people who are struggling to shut up, to let them eat cake. But sure carry on thinking that will work.

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So over-spending is ok once it’s the wealthy that benefit. Got ya.

I’ll summarise briefly.

Paragraph 1 - I’m not Sid, you’re crazy to think other wise

Paragraph 2-10 - Sid-like rantings including Trump references that no-one will read

:joy: :joy:


Ironically you’ve proved my point precisely.

Hang on a second - run me through your logic of the wealthy benefitting from a new Children’s Hospital

Oh c’mon, you’re hardly so naive.

You say it’s “a disgrace” and then turn around in the next sentence and tell people to “grow up” on the matter.

Where to even start with that.

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