General Election 2020 Part 2

You guttersnipe

Are you suggesting that there is budget over/runs because somehow money is being channeled to “the wealthy”?


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Border Poll

Children are the wealthy?

Overspending due to incompetence is wrong but infrastructure projects run over ALL over the world.

As for whether SF can get a better handle of these expenses, given that they allowed the RHI to happen and their reaction to same, I’m not confident

Yes it is a disgrace how far over it has gone

But infrastructure projects DO have overspends.

AND we are not alone is these. Berlin Airport for example, those incompetent Germans eh?

Somebody talked about public infrastructure. Not only can public housing be looked at in terms of basic human need, but in terms of it being actual public infrastructure that pays for itself.

Grow up, oh wait, that was your line, wasn’t it. It’s “a disgrace” but shut up and “grow up”. :laughing:

There were a few independents elected in the first one and most of them were wiped out in the second.

Sinn Fein are going to break dependence on the central bank and allow banks to print their own money when the economy slows down - that way we will promote spending and keeping jobs and let the market do it’s thing in the background… this nonesense of targeting inflation has failed us time and time again and favours the wealthy - what we propose to do is control spending as best we can.

Up the ra.

Yep, so is Berlin Airport, so is Crossrail…

FG and FF had big personalities out front and they swamped all others.

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I didn’t say anything about Berlin Airport or Crossrail. I never even mentioned the Children’s Hospital. I just pointed out that you saying something is “disgrace” and then immediately telling people to “grow up” makes you look very stupid.

Sigh, incompetence at planning level led to suppliers fleecing the state when the design changed half way through. I’m not saying it was a deliberate overspend but large state contracts are very attractive for obvious reasons.

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I think they need to tread softly here. Many support this in theory but won’t like if it affects their bottom line. Fix houses, then take the North should be the way.

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Funnily enough I was rabbit holing through Wikipedia last night and saw that Sean Dublin Bay Loftus had a short lived tenure as an independent TD around that time. But it was from June 1981 to February 1982.

Agreed — it would be stupid to even bring it up … Let’s get #gaffs sorted for everyone — work on retaining most of the recent new votes and layout a long term unity program in the background. 2030 sounds about right to aim for a border poll.

A united Ireland will happen when it happens. Like birth, you don’t want to force it prematurely as it could lead to complications.


Tony Gregory is the man responsible for the swell of independents. Of course he was enabled by the one and only cjh virus

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Border Poll
Border Poll

Hear hear. Any chance you could put in a word for lads who had to buy a gaff in the last few years? 20 or 30 grand would suffice. Just to alleviate the pain of my massive mortgage.