General Election 2020 Part 2

The Brits jailed 6 innocent men for a bombing. The IRA stated they had the wrong men.

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The actual politics are the same, as is pretty much the case with the Greens and most of Sinn Fein on bread and butter issues. PBP are a bit different but not hugely.

And of course itā€™s the case that Fine Gael and Fianna Fail are the same.

And do you not think the abhorrence of the act played into the minds of the cops?

Not saying it was right at all but the murder of 22 people can get peopleā€™s back up.

I was more referring to the poster in question referring to a branding strategy.


No, economic targets in England rather than NI.

Woah - youā€™re blinding me with military strategy tactics here.

Single transferable post

Warrington and the Baltic Exchange were economic targets. Those bombs killed a three year old, a 12 year old and a 14 year old among others.

Maybe the Brits should have been made pay attention to the abhorrence their government was inflicting on Northern nationalists.

Northern nationalists didnā€™t start this trouble.

Weā€™ve had this discussion in your former life, a war is either morally justified or itā€™s not.

From a military standpoint, what was the appropriate response to Bloody Sunday?

Whatever happened didnā€™t justify dropping a bomb in a few pubs, walking away and detonating them.

You can accept that surely?

So you are arguing the allies should not have fought against the Nazis? A hell of a lot of innocent Germans were slaughtered (deliberately) in that effort.

Patience and using our renowned powers in building an international coalition of solidarity. Peace would have come a lot sooner and at a fraction of the price.

They rang a warning in.

It was war, bad things happen, that is an inevitable consequence of war.

Itā€™s about time that the British and Free State governments owned up to their responsibilities in the conflict.

Not getting involved in the tit for tat on the north but the Allies were responsible for what would now be called war crimes

Oh yeah - the poor guys didnā€™t realise the phone box was damaged hence the delay.

They didnā€™t think on doing a dummy run in it, like they did no doubt with the actual bomb. It would only save peopleā€™s lives after all.

It was a barbaric act. Anyone who had any part in it are murderers. I think even Adams and McGuinness have accepted that.

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I donā€™t believe in reincarnation, Iā€™m not a religious looney.

Any justification for Warrington and the Baltic Exchange, and bear in you mind you think acts like these and others were not sufficient, can easily be used for anything else.

They can easily be used for 7/7 or 9/11 or Madrid or anything else.

Correct, but it would be extremely naive to think things would be any different were WWII to be fought today.

Yeah I think this is the point. Every terrorist organisation is based on a slight/perceived slight against a group of people. That doesnā€™t mean you can justify everything they do

It was a mistake but thatā€™s war.

The Free State and British governments have never take responsibility for that war and all the terrible things that happened.