General Election 2020 Part 2

Sinn Fein are happy to talk about Lyra McKee but are they happy to talk about Joanne Mathers?

One was an accident, the other wasn’t.

They can’t, as declaring war on the secular west in an effort to establish an Islamic caliphate is not morally justifiable. You really struggle with the concept of the greater good.

By your own admission the Baltic exchange and Warrington were economic targets. Quite different to deliberately opening fire on a group of civilians. However, civilian casualties are a reality in war. Can you point to a morally justifiable war where there were no civilian casualties?

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Not good enough.

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This is at odds with your view on Hillsborough

Nobody is justifying “everything they do”.

Do you justify the firebombing of Dresden in the effort to defeat the Nazis? Allied politicians and commanders justified it as the time.

These are very complex moral questions, and the variables involved are very different in wartime.

It’s not so long ago you were celebrating the blowing up of a boat with a child in it.

Well I’m sorry but atrocities, tragedies, civilian casualties are a sad fact of war. The fact that northern nationalists were treated as second class citizens, trapped in a sectarian society, violently oppressed when they peacefully marched for equal rights, subjected to a loyalist pogrom facilitated by state forces and left to fend for themselves during this meant war was inevitable.

And we know what happens in wars…

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9/11 was an economic target. Like Warrington and the Baltic Exchange, its perpetrators didn’t care that civilians would die. America was attacked because of its consistent interference in Muslim countries.

If you’re going to make a justification for mass terrorism on the UK mainland, as you did, then of course you can make an argument for attacking the US or Britain or Spain. These countries invaded Iraq and the US has invaded countless other countries.

It’s literally the exact same thing. Palestinians can make the exact same justification for bombing Israel and attacking the Isareli army. There is no difference whatsoever. From seeing some of your previous posts, you seem to have a massive problem with this stuff and your ideas of moral justification are completely all over the place.

It was a good thread while it lasted.


If FF/FG had won the GE we would not be discussing Dresden and caliphates. That is SF problem/legacy for now.

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Are you comparing Britain to the Nazis? You are, aren’t you?

The IRA should have respected the Geneva convention, even though the British didn’t (and never have).

Most of the hand wringing from southerners is based on guilt at having stood idly by while innocent people were being slaughtered in their own country. People they claimed were their own citizens.


The IRA really helped bring down the number of people slaughtered in the country alright

But if the brits treated it like actual war, it would have been over in a week…

It was only headed one way

I generally leave the Godwinning to you, but Britain’s history is far worse than the Nazis.

That’s a very weird comment on multiple levels. I didn’t expect to see somebody trying to mitigate the crimes of the Nazis, but there you go.

The IRA didn’t start the war. Responsibility for the war is 100% due to the British. Do you honestly think they gave a fuck what flavor of Mick was being killed?

Back to election stuff - even as the day goes on it’s clearer that we’re heading to some serious instability in the near-term.

FF, faced with (in their mind) the unpalatable choice between coalition with SF or FG seem to be looking to choose neither, particularly as their unexpectedly low final count means they can barely claim to be the “Senior partner” in a coalition.

A left coalition minority government wouldn’t last 12 months and would damage all involved. They’d be mad to even try it.

So most likely another election we have. Knowing what we know now - will alter things in both the political parties minds but also the electorate. SF will run more candidates (although their existing ones will be scrutinised in a way that I suspect they weren’t this time), FG/FF will run fewer, other parties running on more meagre resources will be hard pressed to consolidate what they’ve just got. The entire theme of the election will shift from policies to what is a viable government. Meanwhile the existing ministers/taoiseach keep going and Brexit clouds keep growing. Who knows where that will land in the minds of the electorate …

The British are responsible for the deaths of about 35 million people in India alone.

Not to mention the Irish genocide.

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