General Election 2020 Part 2

Apologies, nuance isn’t something I associate with a half wit like you.

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If you need me to spell stuff out just say so.

Denmark’s marginal tax rate is 55%. Austria 55%. Finland 54%. Netherlands 52%. Sweden 57%. Germany 47.5%.

Basket cases, all of them.

That’s exactly the point, except predictably you’ve got it arseways. Ordinary people are not being rewarded for their efforts. They can’t even pay the fucking rent, can’t buy anywhere without going into hock for the rest of their lives and can’t start a family. SF and the left did well because they recognised this and took the concerns of ordinary people seriously.

They mean less taxes (no taxes) on lower income. Nobody on lower income should pay towards anything, health care, sanitized water, property taxes, education, etc. The only thing they need pay for are holidays in Lanzarote, or like some on here sipping Rioja in a villa in Spain.


Interesting point. A man of his standing in the legal profession wouldn’t leave just to be a backbencher you’d think

Right-wingers just don’t get it, they just sneer, and wonder why people reject their politics.

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That’s what the Brexiteers said.

The sunlit uplands are over the next hill.

A real crack squad. I assume SF will look to bring the Greens and Social Democrats in with them first before reaching out to FF. A coalition of the four with no independents involved seems a far more workable option. 6 ministries each with the greens getting a senior and junior one and SDs getting a senior ministry.

Martin for Taoiseach for the first 2.5 years and Mary Lou for the remainder

O’Callaghan is the only even half fit for purpose front bencher FF have. Just think of the alternatives, jaysus. FF always do better with a Dublin leader because they’re essentially a rural party and need some sort of crossover appeal.

The countries you mention all have excellent services in return for high marginal tax rates, it’s a social contract based on honesty, efficiency and hard work. Ireland is severely lacking on the honesty front, has an entitlement culture and government is completely inept. Perhaps SF can fix this.

The standard of living in Ireland is pretty high. Nobody, unless they are very rich, can buy a house without going into “hock” for decades. Rents are high in Dublin and other cities due to the success of the economy, no question lots of apartments and social housing needs to be built.

Minister for punishment beatings will be the one to watch out for.

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Why should Martin get first go?

To sweeten the deal in order to get him on side.

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Mary Lou would be mad to let Martin go first, she’d barely get a year before FF bring it down.


Not sneering. Everyone who has a job and earns income should pay something towards services. Health care, sanitized water, saving for retirement, education for your kids, etc. should be a higher priority than cigarettes and alcohol. Sadly for many it is not, but the same people demand the highest quality services.

And FF would probably bare the brunt of by the electorate for bringing it down when given the leadership

Unfortunately your square peg into a round hole analogy doesn’t hold water. SF’s populism is unlike Brexit and Trump. The same concerns people have for their future, the same desperation are at play, but in Ireland there is no mass media industrial bullshit machine to turn people’s heads into turning their anger against an out group like there is in there UK and US, so the reaction is very different.

Brexit and Trump were inherently imperialist and utterly pro-capital in nature. SF’s populism is very much anti-imperialist and of the left and actually addresses real concerns. Brexit and Trump never intended to, never did and never will.

Fine Gael have been preaching market-driven sunlit uplands for the last decade. Fianna Fail did it forever. The voters are no longer buying it.

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Yeah but absolutely not a chance it happens otherwise realistically.

I’m alright jack

Albania with rain.