General Election 2020 Part 2

Was that statement already out & about?

Phones shouldn’t be allowed in pubs.

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The constitution was for a marriage between a man and a woman.

Holy fuck ross is bitter here

Why is this cunt still being given time?

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Schadenfreude? He’s still a minister i suppose

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Warrington wasn’t an economic target. The Baltic Exchange and the Bishopsgate Bomb were the financial targets. Loads of companies talked of leaving London after Bishopsgate so it had an effect on the brits and focused the Government’s minds.

Warrington had an effect on normal people, especially in Ireland as it started peace rallies in Dublin and all over Ireland. All leaders both in Government and the Army had pressure to ensure the peace strategy won out.

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Poor Keelin, a proper shame.


Desperately sad.

powerful scenes at the end… A lot of that hardship is still here in abundance.

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What was the feeling around then? Did all three parties absolutely hate each other?

What was the reporting from the media like back then?

Yeah, fairly grim stuff.

It was more entertaining with big personalities. Garrett the Good versus Evil Charlie. I’d say most of the hatred was within Fianna Fail .


Paisley famously said around the 94 downing street declaration that the government only started to care about stopping the IRA after they started bombing the Baltic exchange

Some pals of mine were in London for a weekend shortly after Docklands bombing.

Cab driver making conversation asked them what they were doing over in London.

He fucked them out when they said they were glaziers.

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Did he foresee them buying Man United ???


On count night you’d have Charlie or Garrett sweeping into RTE to be interviewed. Much blander now.

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Charlie was some rascal.

That might be contingent on Aontu joining the coalition.

No proof that FG ruin an economy. The Irish electorate tend to kick them out after prudency, eg 77, 87, 97


Have a read of The Boss, Peter Joyce and Joe Murtagh. One of the best books ever written on politics anywhere.