General Election 2020 Part 2

The Irish have no interest in prudence.!

I think in 1977 and 1982 things weren’t great . Your point re 1997 and 2020 stands

Away and shite…They were serving the wealthy. The results reflected that.

FF are more relatable I suppose, you could enjoy a pint with their rogues gallery. Less fun with Garrett, Leo, brutons X 2, etc

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That’s an argument for a different question lad - no question that the economy is being handed over in good order, certainly an order of magnitude better than what they got in 2011.

The SF/IRA lads must have forgotten that for a Trojan Horse to work you have to keep quiet until you are inside the walls.

“We broke the Free State”
“Up the ‘Ra”

better than 2011 doesn’t mean good… It’s just better than 2011.

We broke you too… You’re seriously rattled.


That and always ramping up spending. Can you imagine any FF finance minister having a prudent pre-election budget like FG just did. Just not in the culture.

In 77 Lynch the Cork weirdo had a giveaway manifesto. This bankrupted the country while the global economy was booming during the 80s

As someone said to me recently : generally the leader of FF came across to the populace as someone who was more “folksy” than their FG comparator. The FG leaders at that time - Garrett , dukes and Bruton always appears a bit aloof although dukes was a very clever bloke

You did nothing. You jumped ship last May :joy:

Ah would you stop. By any metric the economy is in decent shape.

That’s not to get into an argument about health housing etc but the underlying economic turnaround has been massive.

He went undercover. Fooled you goodo.

Less folksy = more prod/english

That wasn’t my point . You are utterly correct - my point is that the country wasn’t in a good state at that juncture .

A giveaway budget was hardly going to sort it!

None of those 3 were Protestants .

Posh people are like prods for the common FF voter

Again that is not my point . the great Irish electorate fell for it - hook , line & sinker .