General Election 2020 Part 2

and piss all over the walls as they cant see the jax - our problem then of course

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Some very stale attempts at “banter” here. MBB will be along to join shortly, sensing an opportunity where someone might reply to him.

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Perhaps if you actually provided a jacks in your properties people wouldn’t piss all over the walls.

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Bless him. He genuinely thinks he’s funny and all.

If I were a landlord I’d be selling up quick. Shinners will freeze rent, tax ye for owning more than one house and if ye try to sell, nail ye with an increased Capital Gains Tax.

come back to me when you have rented out a house as a private landlord and let me know how it goes
you’d need your fucking head examined to do so
there’s meant to be a housing crisis but if you bother to rent a house you get crucified on tax and run a very high risk of the place been trashed- there is simply no point
You’re better off just giving it to a relocation company and allowing them find you someone

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The landlord classes are scared to their very marrow

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the newer buildings proposed now have “communal” areas…

Proper order too.

Yes I believe they’re called “tenements”.

aka social housing

They should just hand the keys over to the tenants and cut out the middle man.

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No. That’s social housing.

That story Leo Varadkar had on the debate about handing over the keys of a new social house to its tenants was lovely and reminded me of when Arnold O’Byrne would pose with the winner of a new Opel Corsa back in the days when Opel were the main sponsor of the FAI. I think Maurice Pratt used to do something similar with cash strapped parents who got 10% off children’s toys for Christmas through collecting coupons when he was in charge of Quinnsworth.


Lots of original bantz all over the site… The edge lords are being very creative in fairness to them.

I heard that. He said it was one of the most satisfying things he has experienced as a politician. His downfall was expecting an exponential growth of this feeling by donating to the Vulture Funds.

its a serious question
have you ever rented a house to someone or know the first thing about it from the perspective of a private landlord who is paying a mortgage on it?
and …based on your experiences would or could you recommend anyone to do so from a financial perspective?
the answer would have to be emphatically no

this goes against the narrative of the housing crisis but there is absolutely no incentive to rent property if you are still paying a mortgage on it - your best option now is to sell ( if you can ensure parity depending on when it was purchased)

christ lads - how fucking naive are ye?

cut the rent on the property - whilst taxing the money at 40% whilst the mortgage repayment remains constant - yeah great idea…
any wonder people are just selling the properties then?
fuck me

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As you said you have the option of selling the property to somebody who will either occupy it or, unlike you, be willing to rent it out.

No offence, but this is just one big whinge.