General Election - Housing Manifestos

The fact it will be changed again shortly tells you all you need to know.

So Fianna Fail have published the costings to their manifesto here (Link here

In relation to housing they have the following costings - “Build 50,000 new affordable houses by 2025” for €500 million and “build 50,000 social housing units by 2025” for €570 million

Essentially that means that their plan is to build 100,000 houses at an average of about €11k.

This would seem to me from afar to be complete horseshit - have I missed something?

Are they plugging the gap with existing monies - like profits from nama and the 11k is additional spend from future revenue ?

I don’t know. It could be that it’s a top up to an existing budget but surely that can’t be the case because they keep saying no houses are being built and if there’s a budget then surely that’s a lie.

Even for social housing at €200k per unit - 50,000 units over 5 years if possible to build in that time would be €10 billion and they’ve got €500 million in for it

We can trust FF. They are the one party that are extremely prudent fiscally.

You’re just jealous of Fianna Fáil’s figures because Fine Gael are building the most expensive hospital in the world.

Jealous - that’s an odd way of describing it. Sure fuck it - let’s build 50,000 houses for €400 million - I’ve just saved the state €100 million …

Where are you getting figures now, from your magical money tree? Typical Fine Gael.


Do public servants get any blame?

Fine Gael’s mismanagement of everything they have financial control of while they campaign on a platform of being fiscally prudent is something to yawn about for a fine Gael supporter?


Had you read my detailed analysis on their manifesto, you’ll find I already addressed this point:

either way, they have fucked up figures that I havent heard anyone challenge yet. Their manifesto is just launching a heap of unrealistic figures at things and if they implement every plan on their manifesto, we will have worse crash than the last one.

He doesn’t like doing that it seems. He prefers to accuse posters of having no rationale or providing no support for their views (if they’re against FG) but then not respond at all if he give him what he says he’s looking for.

Yeah - I did read it but didn’t check back when flicking through the figures which they only published in full last night.

I think it’s worse that what you outlined - that €500million is over the course of the 5 year gov as per their document (i.e. it’s part of the total €7.9 billion extra they are allocating to public spending between 2020-2025)

It is very confused. One line says “build 50,000 new homes” for €500m and the other says “directly build 50,000 homes” for €570m.

My assumption is that the €570m is the portion for actually building. That’s less than 3k homes. I’m guessing we’re looking at “enhanced leases” (much derided by the hard left) with the other €500m so…which even over 25 years isn’t going to get you a lot of homes.

nearly sure it says per year on it. It doesnt make it much better, but not quite as severe as over a 5 year term. Either way, its still wrong. Whatever about Sinn Fein with a similar promise, at least they didnt go into details specifically with regards to the expenditure increase on public funds. Better be vague than precisely wrong.

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Doesn’t look like that from their costings.

When you strip back the “spending increases” for demo changes and their “reserve”, there’s €9.8bn over the period.

That’s broken into;

Tax package: 1.9bn
Social: 1.4bn
Health: 1.3bn
Mental health: 200m
Disabilities: 505m
Housing: 1.9bn
Education: 790m
Climate change: 340m
Transport: 545m
Other: 920m (farming, rural Ireland, towns etc)

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I havent seen their updated overall election manifesto. The figure for housing, not sure if that is supposed to included everything they proposed, eg the SSIA saving scheme, does that fall into the housing category for expenditure?

They have €250 million in for that over 5 years. That’s in the “Owning your own home” section which they are allocating €1.9 billion to between 2020-2025. That €1.9 billion includes the €1 billion I described earlier for the 100,000 social and affordable houses.

I think I’ve figured it out - There is a substantial amount allocated to housing in the 2040 capital plan (€11.6 billion between 2018-2027). Details here (

So basically, the current government have already committed large amounts of money towards building social housing. This is capital budget so isn’t for HAP etc.

Essentially, FF an are just tweaking that i.e. for all their grandstanding they actually agree with the government plan.

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