General Election - Housing Manifestos

Yes because Eoin O’Broin, SF’s housing “guru” is really working class.

Ditto Mary Lou.

Ditto Paul Murphy.

Ditto Richard Boyd-Barrett.


all people with good backgrounds who can show empathy, unlike loe

Did you miss the point again?

You keep trying to discredit people based on what you perceive as “their class”.

Not in the slightest.

I’m pointing out that Fintan has an “I’m alright Jack” attitude based on his own advancement.

Fintan went to college. How many of the people in his estate he grew up with finished school? Educational attainment remains poor in areas with a high concentration of social housing. That remained even during the totally free fees era.

Still no response to any of the points made. Standard.

Same way you don’t read Jordan Peterson.

Have you made your bed?

Tim just shrieks that people are “divorced from reality”, thinking that somehow wins an argument. Where do you even begin there with the lack of self awareness.

What points are they then? You haven’t made any.

Hey Sid

Ok, bye now Tim.

What points? I’ll give you my view on any you put forward.

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This is a good article. It addresses SF housing promises but to be honest I think you could apply similar scepticism to all the parties claims. Some interesting figures. What jumped out at me was "One academic source, who asked not to be named, points out that local authorities and approved housing bodies have built, between them, about 120,000 units in the thirty years since 1990. “Building 100,000 dwellings over the next five years would be an unprecedented ramping up of construction and would be almost impossible to achieve in my view,” the source said

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If they build half the amount promised it will be a huge victory for the country. While it’s unfounded for an Irish party, I think you should be supportive of such political ambition and throw off the negative shackles FFG have wrapped you up in.

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Fr Harry Bohan was able to build nearly 3000 houses in rural Ireland in far less prosperous times in a matter of a few years back in the 70s. No reason why the next government can’t make huge strides if they want to. Whether certain parties have the political will to do so is another question.

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Bring in the Chinese lads who built the hospital.

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We did it in stages throughout the 20th century ---- but a lot more planning has to go into this time as we ended up creating ghettos in many cities.

While the article was about SF - I prefer to look at the challenges any party will face in meeting their lofty aims.

I’m going to call it now - 50,000 social houses are unlikely to be built (i.e. finished & ready for occupation to avoid confusion) over the next 5 years and I certainly think that the costings budgeted are optimistic.

This applies to all parties including FG.

If we build eco-block plastic homes we could - but we wont be, so you could be correct.

In some ways the numbers dont matter (but they do matter) — we just need to start the building meaningfully with proper planning… the issue is as much attracting builders / trades people to sustain it - so it’s almost chicken and egg … but the sector needs to be stimulated, apprenticeship numbers grown and proper political will do do all these things.

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I’d agree with the sentiment of that - as long as expectations are reasonable.