General Election - Housing Manifestos

Mainly in somewhere like Ennis where no one wants to live.

Fecking foreigners, taking our jobs AND our homes too!

If Goodman keeps cutting the farmers throats there could be slatted sheds across the country going idle?

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Firstly, watch your fucking tone son.

Secondly, Shur every bastard politician is at it … Whoever gets in, just build the bastard things

They could build railway lines and a metro as well.

Ye’ll build fuck all.

Easy tiger - you’re getting fairly wound up over this.

He was asked a question “Is building 100,000 houses in 5 years feasible?”

He gave an answer “In my opinion, considering the previous track-record of the state and therefore current expertise/capacity this is unlikely”

He’s not doing a deep-dive analysis or publishing papers. He’s not saying it’s impossible. Just that in his opinion it’s unlikely.

It’s just his opinion. Your opinion of “Of course it can be done - we just need to WANT it” is also just an opinion.

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You’re getting very defensive now. I merely pointed out that selecting the opinion of some unnamed “expert” on any area and presenting it, without support, as the definitive judgement on any party’s policy on anything is about as worthless as you can possibly get.

If you are going to make up an imaginary target and miss it, you may as well go big


its like RTE going with “sources close to the minister”

I didn’t find it worthless - I hadn’t seen the contextualisation of the numbers of social houses that had been built previously.

Literally your argument is that numbers mean nothing, we need to do it so therefore it can be done.

I would say again, like in the original post, I think the same problem applies to all parties proposals on housing.

Glas coming across as a Brexiteer.

We all just need to believe more.


That’s been the amazing thing about this election. The lads laughing at Brexit and Trump have fallen into the same populist hole and are unable to see it.

MLM has been managed in a very BoJo way.

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Pearse Doherty on Matt Cooper just said “Project Fear”. Now where did we last here that and who was sayijt it :man_shrugging:


You could not make it up.

Quick search and it’s all over Twitter.

SF have ran a Brexit campaign :clap::clap:

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It’s very funny alright.

There’s loads of them on the left (even non SFers) buying this party line that SF’s associations are only being brought up now.

It’s classic fake newz

Some rack on catriona perry

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She must be feeding the child

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The few pounds she put on really suit her .

The Donald would be mad about her now. Send her back.

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