Geopolitics - Foreign Policy

Looking for good books, websites or commentators on geopolitics, US foreign policy and the new world order etc etc… @Watch_The_Break, @rocko et al?

Isis Monthly.

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@ADP1113: Saudi Arabia budget deficit for 2015: $98 Billion. It was $14.4 Billion in 2014.

Chomsky, read john pilgers book, the new rulers of the world i think


What aspects mate? Could do worse than start with whatever articles interest you in Foreign Policy or The Economist. Or read Noam Chomsky.

Yeah- Chomsky the obvious one, just wondering are there younger/current chaps coming it at it also… I guess I’m interested in the subterfuge, dirty politics and the suppression of information they (the US mainly) don’t want you to know about…the games the big nations play in the name of corporates.

This guy is a mate of mine, haven’t gotten around to reading his book yet but it’s been well received


Keep updating the thread mate but be warned (im sure you’re well aware) when you start to learn how crooked and fucked the world is it can begin to really piss you off, especially as we’re powerless to do anything about it. It’d make you want to take up arms.


Ah yeah… We live in an age where we have never had so much information at our fingertips… Yet we are probably less free now than we’ve ever been…I’m mean there’s marketing cunts out there that are aware of my fethish for anal sex with big black wans due to my porn watching habits… How fucked up is that?

Are you getting pop-up ads for Serena Williams fitness videos?

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The lucky bastard


She’s a sex beast.

Dan Carlin, Common Sense

2 Likes this is pretty good if you don’t feel like reading

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Anything by Adam Curtis is prerequisite on this subject. Most of the links can be found on the Documentary thread

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One of my favourite docs, bit out of date now obviously though.

Read Robert fisk’s book the great war for civilization. It’s savage.


@ChocolateMice - Chomsky is good, but I’d have Michael Parenti ahead of him. And if you’ve got a PhD in History, his book entitled “History as Mystery” would be a great start.

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I have a signed copy. Unreal, unbelievable.

“The Power of Nightmares” is compelling viewing.