Getting On The Property Ladder vs The Dreaded Commute

No back plate no party

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No. Bank is party to the policy so if you cancel they will be notified and its a (serious) breach of t and c

What if you change insurance companies?

Hardly anything out of the ordinary on here is it? He’s well able to write coherently, he does it most of the time. One example?

I just gave you an example

Just the one. It’s hardly evidence of a pattern.

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You need to give new insurance company the mortgage detail and they will forward a copy to the bank.

If your house burned down the proceeds of policy issues to you and bank jointly (in theory) to agree how you will go forward

Steer clear unless you are planning on selling again relatively quickly.


Your posts and interactions are increasingly curt and sarcastic as evidenced on many threads. Go into your profile and check out your personap audit trail. If you don’t agree there’s nothing I can do. I’m merely bringing it to your attention in the hope that you’ll see sense. I just hope you’re not lashing out like that at the people around you.


Just to avoid Santa - the miserable fucker.

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What in God’s name is that?


It’s the plate they scrape the leftovers onto in glas’ local pub. See the dry roasted spread.

Doggy bag filler?

I wouldn’t put the dog in a timber frame. A house for peasants.

Majority of houses in the western world are timberframed


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Problems with soundproofing I’ve heard. Is it a bungalow or 2 storey?

He huffed,and he puffed,and he blew

You’d be taking your life in your hands living in one of them

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