Getting On The Property Ladder vs The Dreaded Commute

Might be better than the one I have,my neighbour and I both can hear word for word our conversations, houses today are fvuked up too quickly, shoddy workmanship, greedy developers taking shortcuts ( mine is 9 yes old)

Set fire to it

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Ah now,I’ve a tent alright,but that’s it,cars too small to live in

Mick the muldoon unable to get his head around timber frame construction (in case it falls down :joy:, )still roaring for his thermally underperforming concrete block house from 1970


A fella I know in the UK died after leaning against the upstairs wall of his timber frame house. Fell to his death. Terrible story. Left behind 15 children. His last words were ‘I shoulda build a real house’.

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Can be. Easily enough resolved whilst building it

Cowboys throwing them up in Ireland. No certificates, no training, no building regs no nothing

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Spooky coincidence that he said that just before leaning on the wall

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Fair play to you for keeping in touch with him after his death.

They’d not allow it “over “

That’s the way it’s gone these days, with the social media.

You think the house was haunted too? Jaysus.

Why so?

Don’t mind them apes. Most houses are timber frame now. They are generally warmer than concrete and won’t have any sound issues if properly constructed.

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You’re awful cunts, this is a mans life you’re playing about with

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Makes jobs like hanging a TV or mirror on a wall a bit trickier as you need to find the timber stud - if your DIY skills are typical of your average contributor on here you should stay well clear.

The voice of reason of this forum speaks in favour of timber frame.

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Again,most houses in the western world are timber frame,and not a big bad wolf anywhere to blow them down.

@myblueboy is fuming that I have the means to buy a two storey timber frame house with a few acres of land instead of living in a rented bedsit over a Chinese restaurant in a provincial town like him.


You’d want to really be stuck for a few Bob to build a timber frame in this day and age. Real Peasant stuff.

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