Getting On The Property Ladder vs The Dreaded Commute

They werent too subtle with their use of schtone, is there a quarry nearby or something?

I could put up with the stone, not sure about the stone/yellow brick combo

All new builds have to have A rated BER now i think, you wont get an A rating with an open fire and chimney

What’s the basics with online property auctions?

Normally the refuge of properties with title issues

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As in there could be some legal issues with the property should you buy?

Yes. You buy as seen at an auction

So is it worth getting some lawyerly type to do a background check?

Yes. If your bid is succesful you will need to pay a deposit immediately which wont be refunded if you cant close the sale. You wont be able to get a mortgage if there is an issue with the title

Auctions in general are for the (i) vendor (ii) cash buyers (iii) v experinced investors (iv) mugs

Decide which category you fall into before you go and you should be fine


I was speaking with someone this morning that had their planning application refused because they’re not from the area, and recalled seeing something about it here. This does seem very discriminatory. Did you ever look further into the Law Reform Commission review?

What the fuck were the Law Reform Commission at? Clueless.

Hoping @Gman or one of the construction lads can help, I’m looking at a site down home with full planning and the price quoted is to bring it to a builders finish. What’s included as part of a builders finish? And what cost are you looking to finish a house to liveable standards then?

Builders finish is one of those piece of string type scenarios. One builders finish may not be another’s. Is the quote given to you based on the house and quantified or just a standard square foot cost?

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That’s what I was thinking, and the auctioneer wasn’t a lot of help when I asked what was included. I’d imagine it’s a quantified cost, but again I’d need to check it out and they’d be some upgrades I’d like to include.

Just trying to get a rough idea of what money I’d need to make it liveable if we were to go for it. If you’d a kitchen in, would 20k do it?

I’d be very surprised if it’s a quantified cost. I’ll pm you in a bit.


Not if you’d to put in all the white goods, showers, wooden floors or carpets, tiling, light fittings etc etc…


Ballpark builders finish is €80 a square ft
Ballpark fully finished is €120 a square ft

Difference is kitchen, flooring, tiling, painting, stairs, furniture, bathroom fittings. You can spend an absolute fortune on these cunts.


When you say liveable, you still need to remember you’ll still have to do the bulk of the floors, painting, tiling etc.
Leaving a couple of bedrooms unfinished is fuck all really in the scheme of things

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You can spend a fortune on painting?