Getting On The Property Ladder vs The Dreaded Commute

Scaffold for painting, are you mental?

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Rollers and paint brushes are tried and tested

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I borrowed a new set of scaffolding off the brother in law during the house build. I was travelling with work at the time and when I came back after a few weeks the cunt of a plaster had left it in a state. Never washed it down and there was plaster all over it. I spent ages trying to clean it down and twas never right and the perfectionist of a BIL still brings its up the odd time.

Still, you’d listen to whole pile of complaining for 7k.


He might leave it to you in the will.

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I gave a loan of scaffolding I had to my brother in law. When they finished their job and I went to put it back in storage, it was all gone. He was mixing in scaffold from plasterer and block layer and doesn’t know who took all my lot. At least your brother in law got it back!



Scaffolding outside if the bloody grounds uneven, expensive and slow n awkward,
Indoors a decent set of step ladders, good extension pole, patience and quality paint, ,
Couldn’t answer sooner sorry, blocked from getting into forum ( resetting password too many times ,feckiin I phones)

The bollox

Flat?e800 without scaffolding
Heavy dash e1000
Provided walls are in decent condition

Couldn’t get back sooner , locked out of tfk

You weren’t on the Missing Members list so you can’t have been off that long.

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24 hours,felt more tbh ,amazing the things that one misses when not available, mostly I love this place , great craic/advice etc, lot of madness but shur need that aswell

You quoted that scallywag @Smark far too low for the job. It’s a huge sprawling country pile with heavy dash and you’ll need scaffolding. On top of this he has 14/15 loose boxes for the equine stock and other assorted agricultural buildings. He’ll try to stiff you into doing these for skelps so I’d bí cúramach…

800 quid plus paint I paid a few years ago


I can’t imagine a fella would do this house with ladders and extenders only it’s a bit awkward and high in parts. Scaffolding to double the cost I suppose? €800-1000 would be A1.

No painter needs a scaffold. Are you living in a penthouse?I’ll do the whole lot for 3k,I’ll supply the scaffold and all.


@Corksfinedtboy are you busy next week?


I’m doing it for years like that, and if vvv awkward I ask the owner to hold the ladder for an hour or so to get at the awkward bits


I hate lads like that to be honest, if the customer wants to pay a premium don’t make them feel like a mug to line your own pockets, I’m sure he has a handy deal going with his own supplier

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